Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Wedding Flower Bouquet Sizes

You often have to say it with flowers when it comes to weddings. Wedding Flower BouquetThat is why there are of many types bridal bouquet offered in flower shops. To choose, you have to understand more about the types and what wedding flower bouquet sizes would available.Here are some of your options with a few details on the wedding flower bouquet sizes you may prefer.

The Wedding Flower Bouquet Ideas Inspiration

The wedding flower ideas inspiration

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bright and vivid colors

Colorful flowers do make our days shine... When these flowers start to dry out, little thorns come out replacing their petals. Even though I see them around every year in the garden I still don't know their names.These flowers go to Today's Flowers, the virtual flowers blog that displays flowers from around the world.

Lovely Lavender

Of all the scented items available at Bloomers (other than flowers), the most popular by far is Lavender. Candles, sachets, bath products, bunches of dried Lavender, all are the first to go out the door. Why? What makes Lavender sucha favorite?When thinking of Lavender most people associate it with France, and dream of romantic postcard-perfect fields. But I recently came across a beautiful book:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bright colours or dark ones, sparkling clarity or misty atmosphere, landscape, still life, portrait - I haven't met a subject, style or mood yet that can't be portrayed beautifully in pastel. (Dave Beckett)

Bright colours or dark ones, sparkling clarity or misty atmosphere, landscape, still life, portrait - I haven't met a subject, style or mood yet that can't be portrayed beautifully in pastel. (Dave Beckett), originally uploaded by Abby Lanes.Flowers are blooming everywhere in Southern, California. All of this rain from El Nino has certainly brought forth gorgeous blooms.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Liberty of London

With Liberty of London experiencing a resurgence recently, I thought I'd have a look at the story of this venerable fabric company. Have you seen their pretty prints at Target recently? It's another of the upscale collaborations that has Target customers crying out for more.In 1875, Liberty of London got it's start, oddly enough, as a result of Arthur Lasenby Liberty's interest inJapanese Kimonos

Friday, April 16, 2010

Flowers Speak Louder than wordsSummer Bliss ($69.99)Discount Florist/Fabulous Florals and GiftsLakeland, Florida(863) 937-6522Special Fondness ($69.99)Mother's Day is just around the corner! And what better way to show how much you care then with a beautiful floral bouquet from Fabulous Florals and Gifts the Discount Florist of Lakeland, Florida. Spring Meadow ($43.99)Let out skill designers

The Beautiful Wedding Flower Bouquet Inspirasi

The beautiful wedding flower bouquet inspirasi

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Looking Back over 100 Blogposts

This is the one hundreth BloomersBlog! Unbelievable isn't it? Some of you have been on board since the very first post on August 19, 2008. Others have discovered us along the way. Here's a look back at some of the topics the Blog has touched on over the past 2 years....We've certainly discussed all sorts of flowers. Hydrangea, Gardenia, Dahlias, Roses, Bouvardia, Camellias, Carnations, Cherry

Friday, April 9, 2010


Menurut Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Anda disebut berkomitmen “when you are willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something”, ketika Anda mau memberikan waktu dan energi untuk sesuatu yang kita yakini, atau sebuah janji, atau sebuah keputusan bulat untuk melakukan sesuatu. Semua orang mempunyai keterbatasan waktu dan energi, tetapi dengan komitmen yang baik, waktu dapat 'dibuat' dan energi dapat 'dikumpulkan'.

Hanya saja memang komitmen ini sangat mudah diucapkan, tetapi tidak mudah dipenuhi. Orang yang jelas-jelas dengan ukuran tertentu tidak mempunyai komitmen saja, bisa dengan tanpa beban mengatakan, “Saya telah berkomitmen”. Komitmen beda jauh dengan keinginan (interest). Seringkali kali komitmen hanya disamakan dengan niat baik. Ketika kita mempunyai keinginan untuk melakukan sesuatu, maka kita akan melakukannya ketika kondisi memungkinkan. Ketika kita memantapkan komitmen, kita tidak akan banyak alasan untuk tidak melakukannya, karena orientasi kita kepada hasil. Karena itu, salah satu ciri orang baik yang mempunyai komitmen rendah adalah terlalu banyak alasan jika akan meninggalkan kewajiban. Ada ini, ada itu, capek, sudah lembur berhari-hari, baru tidur 2 jam sehari, dan sebagainya. Ada satu kilometer alasan yang bisa disampaikan. Tetapi, kami termasuk orang yang percaya, komitmen dapat menjadikan kita manusia dengan waktu dari 24 jam sehari, manusia dengan energi berlebih.

Komitmen adalah janji yang harus ditepati. Untuk memenuhi janji, jangan sampai orang lain menagihnya. Bukannya orang boleh lupa, tetapi membiasakan diri sebagai pelupa, atau lupa dijadikan tameng untuk banyak masalah, adalah kebiasaan yang sangat tidak etis. Kita harus hati-hati mengatakan itu. Kalau suatu saat keberadaan kita digantikan oleh orang lain untuk komitmen yang pernah kita sampaikan, maka jangan heran kalau kehadiran kita dalam komunitas tidak banyak bermanfaat. Toh masih banyak gantinya. Orang dengan komitmen tinggi dalam melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan biasanya sulit tergantikan.

Komitmen juga akan terkait dengan makna kehadiran kita dalam sebuah komunitas. Orang yang berkomitmen seringkali menjadi sumber energi bagi yang lain. ketiadaan orang seperti ini merupakan sebuah kehilangan besar. Jadi kalau kita tidak hadir dalam sebuah pertemuan, dan kawan-kawan kita merasa tidak terkena dampaknya, bisa jadi kehadiran kita tidak menggenapkan atau mengganjilkan. Alias tidak bermakna.

Apakah yang selama ini kita anggap komitmen itu, ternyata niat baik saja, atau keinginan saja yang jika memungkinkan dilaksanakan, atau betul-betul janji yang jika diingkari adalah sebuah hutang yang belum terbayar? Hidup berkualitas tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan niat baik atau keinginan. Komitmen yang dilaksanakan adalah salah satu penentunya.

Semoga Allah memudahkan kita menjadi orang berkomitmen yang sesungguhnya, orang dengan kata dan perbuatan yang sama.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Flower from San Francisco :-All flowers can express a multitude of sentiments, it is important to realize that different blooms represent varying meanings and emotions – be it sympathy, respect, love, innocence or passion.This is about flowers, flower gardens, fresh flower shop, gifts, wedding bouquets. indoor gardening, decorating with flowers and plants and about misc. Celebrate Spring with

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Flower, Vegetable or Fruit?

You won't believe what you're seeing. Is it a flower or a vegetable? You'll have to look closely! The book The Decorative Art of Japanese Food Carving: Elegant Garnishes for all Occasions by Hiroshi Nagashima will open your eyes to this fabulous art.Fruit and vegetable carving is extremely popular in Asian countries, and they truly have taken what we would consider as craft, to high art. Known as

Friday, April 2, 2010

Seansonal Wedding Flower Bouquet

When deciding on your wedding décor, one of the first things that comes to mind are the wedding flowers. The extent to which flowers are used depends on the formality of your wedding, the importance of flowers to your overall vision, and the season of your wedding.What’s the best way to choose the type of flowers for your wedding? First, you’ll want to consider the colors you had in mind for

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wedding Flowers and Bouquet articles Popular

Flowers are an addition to a wedding that add a natural beauty to all aspects of the day. The flowers you choose for your wedding should complement your theme and most importantly, the wedding dress.The classic and most common flower used in weddings is the rose. It's classic beauty suits any style of wedding dress and bouquet style. The rose can also be arranged to suit almost any theme.