Monday, January 31, 2011
Design Trends!
The final installment of my trip to Market was to look at the overall design trends for 2011.We saw a lot of furniture that mimicked Tara Shaw Maison and Aidan Gray - some were more rustic like Restoration Hardware, some were more chippy and distressed. There were a variety of price points and quality. But if you are interested in this look you will be able to find it at any price. My only
Casbah Moderna
Casbah Moderna är den stil som tilltalar mig mest för att jag gillar det naturliga med sten, puts, trä, järn, korg och metaller. Den här stilen har inget gullegull utan går mer åt det kulturella hållet. Jordnära färger som grått, beige, svart och vitt. Hemma har jag fuchsia, rött och lite orange som accentfärger. Jag tycker om de skulpturala inslagen och är en sucker för kuddar på golvet och
{ A peek of our living room }
Hello everybody! How are you? I thought I would show you some more details from our living room today. Things are coming together even though we haven´t gotten our things from Los Angeles yet. (Yes, I´m sick of waiting, and it seems that we have to wait for at least 3 weeks more! Much longer than I expected, so I actually feel kind of sorry for myself) You can view more pictures from our living
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sassi Holford - Valencia
view original advert on The DressmarketBeautiful ivory chiffon dress in excellent condition. Superb bodice in side for additional support.
Thought For the Day!
In the words of public speaker Steve Uzell:Multi-Tasking is the ability to screw up more than one thing at the same time.
Trendanalys av Vincent Grégoire
Under mässan höll Vincent Grégoire från franska Nelly Rodi en trendföreläsning om vad som kommer att vara i fokus under 2012 och 2013. Ganska långt framåt alltså, men det här var väldigt intressant. Inte bara för att det handlade om trender utan framförallt för att det var spännande att se allt från ett annat håll än ett svenskt perspektiv. Det här var faktiskt den stora behållningen av mässan
Saturday, January 29, 2011
beautiful arrangement
It's beautiful arrangement for funeral.ftd montreal florists delivery QC Quebec Canada flowers delivery
Kolsvart på Illum Bolighus
Igår var jag i Köpenhamn, har ju fördelen att det nästan går lika snabbt att köra över bron som in till Malmö. Rätt lyxigt faktiskt. När jag är där brukar jag alltid kika i Illum Bolighus skyltfönster för jag de har oftast den mest fantastiska skyltning och är lite av en trendindikator. Nja, trend vet jag inte men det var helt svart. Om det ser lite grå brunt eller blått ut på mina bilder så är
{ Restoration Hardware }
Restoration Hardware was one of my favorite stores when I lived in the US. Maybe you understand why when you see these pictures from their collection...I love all the old looking wood furniture that they have. It´s such a great mix with the industrial style that are so popular these days.You can see more on their homepage if you like.Have a sweet Saturday, lovely people!Images: Restoration
Costly dollar weighs on imports, inflation in Bangladesh
The rising cost of the dollar is pinching importers and consumers, while it gives a reward to exporters and remitters.
Over 90 percent of the corporate deals (for imports) worth over $150 million were settled at Tk 72.80 against the dollar in yesterday's market, according to fund managers at different banks. The rate was as high as Tk 73.05 against the dollar in a foreign bank. But the inter-bank rate was Tk 71.15 against the dollar.
The dollar has appreciated against the taka by over 4 percent in the past two months although the greenback is losing to other major global currencies.
Bankers attributed the price hike of the dollar to higher imports and its costs and sliding remittances.
“The gap between demand and supply of the dollar is growing faster. Its (dollar) price may increase further if the supply side is not improved,” said a fund manager of a private commercial bank.
The country's supply side depends on exports and inward remittances, while demand is driven by imports and outward remittances.
Bangladesh received around $10 billion from exports and another $5 billion from inward remittances during the first half (July-Dec) of the current fiscal year. The country spent nearly $13.2 billion for imports alone during the period, creating a pressure on the balance of payments. Import growth was 36.5 percent compared to the same period last year.
According to Bangladesh Bank data, balance of payments stood at negative $584 million during the July-November period of the current fiscal year, but it was positive at $2.15 billion during the same period a year ago. Foreign exchange reserve has also dipped down to $10.39 billion on January 25 from $11.17 billion on December 30, 2010.
Bangladesh has been witnessing volatility in foreign exchange market after it had faced a crunch in the money market in December and January. The call money rate rose as high as 190 percent recently, but has come down to 5-6 percent now.
Bankers said higher import payments are pushing up the demand for the greenback. The import prices of fuel oil, edible oil, wheat, rice and cotton have increased significantly. Per tonne of edible oil was sold at $480 a year ago, but the price is now at $1,000. Similarly, fuel oil price has gone up to $98 from $60 a barrel last year.
In the past six months, soybean prices rose 46 percent to more than $14 a bushel. Sugar, while lower than in November, is still up 34 percent over six months ago to around 31 cents a pound. Cotton price almost trebled in one year.
The rising import payments for power plant equipment and capital machinery are also making the greenback costlier in the market, according to the bankers. The situation is fuelling the inflationary pressure (nearly 8 percent on point-to-point basis), they added.
“An urgent move is needed to boost exports and inflow of remittances. Otherwise the demand and price of the dollar will soar further,” said a senior official of a foreign commercial bank that is strongly exposed to international trade.
Another fund manager of a private bank said the central bank could cool down the market by selling dollars to the banks instead of lending.
While the overall situation of the foreign exchange market is hurting the importers, it gives more money to the exporters and remittance recipients.
An exporter of $10 million now gets Tk 2 crore more (1 dollar = Tk 72 instead of Tk 70) and a recipient of $1,000 remittances receives Tk 2,000 more than he/she used to get two months ago.
Over 90 percent of the corporate deals (for imports) worth over $150 million were settled at Tk 72.80 against the dollar in yesterday's market, according to fund managers at different banks. The rate was as high as Tk 73.05 against the dollar in a foreign bank. But the inter-bank rate was Tk 71.15 against the dollar.
The dollar has appreciated against the taka by over 4 percent in the past two months although the greenback is losing to other major global currencies.
Bankers attributed the price hike of the dollar to higher imports and its costs and sliding remittances.
“The gap between demand and supply of the dollar is growing faster. Its (dollar) price may increase further if the supply side is not improved,” said a fund manager of a private commercial bank.
The country's supply side depends on exports and inward remittances, while demand is driven by imports and outward remittances.
Bangladesh received around $10 billion from exports and another $5 billion from inward remittances during the first half (July-Dec) of the current fiscal year. The country spent nearly $13.2 billion for imports alone during the period, creating a pressure on the balance of payments. Import growth was 36.5 percent compared to the same period last year.
According to Bangladesh Bank data, balance of payments stood at negative $584 million during the July-November period of the current fiscal year, but it was positive at $2.15 billion during the same period a year ago. Foreign exchange reserve has also dipped down to $10.39 billion on January 25 from $11.17 billion on December 30, 2010.
Bangladesh has been witnessing volatility in foreign exchange market after it had faced a crunch in the money market in December and January. The call money rate rose as high as 190 percent recently, but has come down to 5-6 percent now.
Bankers said higher import payments are pushing up the demand for the greenback. The import prices of fuel oil, edible oil, wheat, rice and cotton have increased significantly. Per tonne of edible oil was sold at $480 a year ago, but the price is now at $1,000. Similarly, fuel oil price has gone up to $98 from $60 a barrel last year.
In the past six months, soybean prices rose 46 percent to more than $14 a bushel. Sugar, while lower than in November, is still up 34 percent over six months ago to around 31 cents a pound. Cotton price almost trebled in one year.
The rising import payments for power plant equipment and capital machinery are also making the greenback costlier in the market, according to the bankers. The situation is fuelling the inflationary pressure (nearly 8 percent on point-to-point basis), they added.
“An urgent move is needed to boost exports and inflow of remittances. Otherwise the demand and price of the dollar will soar further,” said a senior official of a foreign commercial bank that is strongly exposed to international trade.
Another fund manager of a private bank said the central bank could cool down the market by selling dollars to the banks instead of lending.
While the overall situation of the foreign exchange market is hurting the importers, it gives more money to the exporters and remittance recipients.
An exporter of $10 million now gets Tk 2 crore more (1 dollar = Tk 72 instead of Tk 70) and a recipient of $1,000 remittances receives Tk 2,000 more than he/she used to get two months ago.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tara Shaw Maison - America's Mart Part III
One of my most favorite areas at the Market is the "High Design" section. It houses beautiful temporary showrooms dedicated to those designers that have very exclusive lines. Of course Tara Shaw was there, amid a backdrop of chocolate brown walls, with the most beautiful furniture. It was so fun to see my friend Tara Shaw again! As usual her "Maison" Line stopped everyone in their tracks. She
{ Enjoy the weekend! }
Wonderful, wonderful Friday! The sun is shining and we have the weekend in head of us! How great is that? Any plans for this weekend? I actually don´t have any plans yet, so I guess I´ll just relax. Hopefully I will find something better to do * smile *I´m happy to see that I got a lot of new followers lately and I want to welcome you all to Stylizimo blog. I hope you will enjoy the
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Vitt och för säsongen laxrosa
Det här fantastiska hemmet i Bryssel var med i årets första nummer av Boligmagasinet. Designern Johanne Riss har i sitt hem satsat på en helvit bas med en röd-orange nästan laxrosa accentfärg som hon byter ut efter humör. Vilken smart idé. Både en snygg helhet och snygga detaljer. Lägg märke till de små borden vid matbordet som man, skulle jag tro, kan anpassa till hur många man är.Take a look at
{ Wise words in a frame }
I saw these wise words over at the lovely blog pilli pilli a while ago, and I saved them in a file. I have now made a picture that we have placed in our living room, so we always can remind ourselves to find the time...Thank you all for your sweet comments on my new dresser and the shelf that I´ve made - you are all sweethearts!I wish you all a wonderful day! I hope you have sunshine too.Image:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
$20 BrideTide Advertising Special
Everyone knows that advertising a business on a wedding website can sometimes be a bit on the expensive side. The last thing you want to do is to waste your hard-earned money on an over-priced ad campaign that no one will ever see, read or click on. It all comes down to getting the best value for your buck. If you agree, keep reading because you're about to get the opportunity to advertise your
{ Treasures give character! }
As I´ve told you earlier, I think that a home gets extra character if one mixes old furniture with new ones. I´ve been looking for an old dresser for our living room, and this weekend I finally found one at "". The dresser was already painted in white, so I saved myself some work. *smile*I have to say that I´m very pleased with how it fits in. You can see more pictures of it here if you
Uppdrag badrum
Minns ni tidigare inlägg om sekelskifteslägenheten där jag skulle ge förslag på bl a badrum. Det var inte det enklaste. Jag vill inte efterlikna hur det en gång sett ut för det blir så lätt fel, utan jag vill ge det en modern stil, men ändå hålla kvar sekelskiftskänslan. Den ena toaletten har ett glasfönster med en liten dörr mitt i badrummet som så definitivt sätter stilen så något helt modernt
Nytt från Ferm Living
Just nu bara rasslar det in pressreleaser och nyheter i mailboxen. Det var en hel del innan Formex och nu kommer det ännu fler eftersom det snart är Furniture Fair. Ferm Living är ett av företagen som har kommit med lite nyheter för säsongen. Härliga femtiotalsmönster och färger. Jättefina vaser som jag också såg på mässan, snygga tillsammans i grupp. Harlequin mönstrad tapet i den så aktuella
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
ONLY in LEAGUE CITY from Haute Flowers & Finds!!!
Want that extra "special" Valentine's Day delivery this year? Haute Flowers & Finds will offer for League City and the surrounding Houston area that surprising gift of a SINGING delivery! We are so pleased to have our own Houston Grand Opera chorus singer ready to delivery your flower purchase on Valentine's Day. Call for pricing and further information. Schedule early to ensure
{ A cool place with lots of nice details }
I love homes that stands out and that have those details that nobody else has. This apartment in Oslo is that kind of home - super cool, and with an attitude! Notice the cool wall decorations, the furnitures that creates an interesting home and the gorgeous black floor - I love the dramatic contrast it makes against all the white!Do you think it´s cool?Images:
Lately, I asked my mum why we left going to the Cheshire homes which we used to visit when we were small and the blind schools to encourage the blind children while they struggled with their life? I asked more, as to why we don't anymore go to the old age homes and orphanages to serve? My mum replied, " whatever we as parents wanted to inculcate in you and teach you, I think you have learnt it,
Monday, January 24, 2011
America's Mart - Part II Napa Home & Garden
One of the highlights of my trip to Atlanta was visiting the showroom of one of my favorite companies, Napa Home & Garden. Napa Home & Garden is owned by Jerry and KC Cunningham. Over the past 10 years they have grown their company exponentially, and in these trying times that is saying a lot!! How did they do it? Well, after meeting KC Cunningham and having the great privilege of spending
{ Ferm Living - Spring/Summer 2011 }
I love new collections, new colors and new inspiration. Ferm Living is now out with their new spring/summer collection, and here you have a sneak peak from their newest catalogue...Interesting patterns, fun color combinations and cool wall art - Just how we know Ferm Living! If you want to see more, you can visit their homepage.Do you see anything you like? Images: Ferm Living/ Collage made by me
Paradise in Plasticine
At the 2009 RHS Chelsea (England) Flower show, exhibiter James May created a stir when he constructed an entire garden out of Plasticene! Though this stalwart garden show is known for showcasing unusual exhibits, this particular one got more than a few noses out of joint, not least because there were no real flowers included at all-a clear violation of the rules!Plasticine, a clay-like
Formex Spring 2011 - rustikt trä och rostiga detaljer - mixat och matchat
Ja, nu rasslar det till med bilder från mässan. Framförallt är det här rustikt trä, rostigt, jordnära, avskavt lantligt eller med industridetaljer... mixat i alla möjliga kombinationer och stilar. Häng med på en tur...These are all images from Formex. All kind of combinations of rustic tree with industrial style or country style with cute or rough details. All kind of mixed styles. Come with me
Chatta med mig på Sydsvenskan idag
Idag har jag en chatt på Sydsvenskan mellan kl 14-15. Då kan man ställa frågor om inredning, Formex och trender. Gå in på Sydsvenskan/bostad, för att komma dit klicka här. Här på bloggen kan du också alltid ställa frågor direkt till mig i kommentarsfältet under varje inlägg.Foto Martin Lindeborg
{ DIY: Shelf in the kitchen }
Last week I made this shelf that we now have beside of our Nespresso. I think it´s nice to have things that I use often in reach and in an organized way, so when I saw a similar shelf over at the lovely blog "House of Svea", I knew that I wanted to make one too. It´s a great way to add some rustic nature into our otherwise white kitchen.I treated the shelf with driftwood stain, so it got an older
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Formex Spring 2011 - också lite rosa på det...
Rosa tillsammans med grönt, lila, orange och såklart turkos. Frånt montrarna Agneta Livijn, Himla, Ceannis, AnnaO, Mateus och Nordahl.Another colour that was frecquently used was pink. Together with green, purple, orange and turquoise. From the show cases of Agneta Livijn, Himla, Ceannis, AnnaO, Mateus and Nordahl.Foto Purple Area
Formex Spring 2011 - mer turkos
Även mässans Coffee Corner inrett av Wis Design gick i femtiotalsanda och turkos.Even the Coffee Corner designed by Wis Design was turquoise and back to the fifities.Foto Purple Area
First Textile and Garments factory under PSI inaugurated in Accra
The first factory under the President's Special Initiative (PSI) on Textiles and Garments was inaugurated in Accra on Friday.
The 1.2 million dollars T-Shirts, Trousers, Fabric and Garments factory under Belin Textiles International Limited (BTIL) is also the first Ghana-Mauritius partnership company established to export goods to the US under the Africa growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) Initiative.
President John Agyekum Kufuor and the visiting Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Island of Mauritius Sir Anerood Jugnuath, who is on a four-day state visit to Ghana jointly inaugurated the factory after unveiling the plaque.
President Kufuor said Ghana and Mauritius had become partners in development in the spirit of the African Union (AU), NEPAD and South-South Corporation.
He said such co-operation should be the vehicle through which developing countries should aspire to join the mainstream of globalisation.
President Kufuor said under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) developing countries were now developing the muscles to compete with developed countries therefore, such co-operation between developing countries was ideal.
"Ghana will team up with Mauritius to learn as fast as possible through partnership and leap-frog into the mainstream of development", he said.
President Kufuor announced that another company from Mauritius had expressed the desire to invest about 100 million dollars in sugar production in the Northern part of Ghana.
He said the symbolic inauguration of the factory was the first step in practical terms that the partnership between Ghana and Mauritius was being contracted.
Sir Anerood said the establishment of the factory was the fruit of the hard work that Ghana had undertaken to transform the country into an industrialised nation.
He said it was the textile industry, which formed the basis for Mauritius to diversify her economy and with her knowledge and experience in the industry Ghana could benefit substantially from their partnership.
Sir Anerood commended the Mauritius partners in the company for their entrepreneurial spirit and adventurism to accept to invest in Ghana. He was optimistic that other entrepreneurs in Mauritius would emulate the example of their counterpart and relocate in Ghana for the textile industry in Ghana to flourish like in Mauritius.
Mr Berty Fong, the Mauritius Managing Director, who owns about 49 per cent shares in the company said he decided to invest in Ghana because of the congenial atmosphere and the investment potentials in the country. Mr Robert Paapa Cudjoe, the Ghanaian Executive Chairman, who owns 51 per cent shares in the company, appealed for the establishment of a Ghana-Mauritius Chamber of Commerce to further strengthen the economic co-operation between the two countries.
He announced that the Company was negotiating with the Dutch Government through DANIDA for an expansion programme that would include screen printing of their products.
The Executive Chairman said negotiations were also underway with the Netherlands Government for the establishment of a fertilizer blending plant at Takoradi before the end of the year.
Mr Cudjoe said the Company was negotiating with Courts of the United Kingdom a home furnishing and electrical appliances company to become their retail outlet in the West African Sub-Region.
The factory with a workforce of about 200 began trial production in August, last year, currently produces 3,000 T-Shirts a day as against a target of 6,000 T-shirts a day an equivalent of about 100,000 T-shirts a month and about 20,000 trousers a month. 02 July 11
The 1.2 million dollars T-Shirts, Trousers, Fabric and Garments factory under Belin Textiles International Limited (BTIL) is also the first Ghana-Mauritius partnership company established to export goods to the US under the Africa growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) Initiative.
President John Agyekum Kufuor and the visiting Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Island of Mauritius Sir Anerood Jugnuath, who is on a four-day state visit to Ghana jointly inaugurated the factory after unveiling the plaque.
President Kufuor said Ghana and Mauritius had become partners in development in the spirit of the African Union (AU), NEPAD and South-South Corporation.
He said such co-operation should be the vehicle through which developing countries should aspire to join the mainstream of globalisation.
President Kufuor said under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) developing countries were now developing the muscles to compete with developed countries therefore, such co-operation between developing countries was ideal.
"Ghana will team up with Mauritius to learn as fast as possible through partnership and leap-frog into the mainstream of development", he said.
President Kufuor announced that another company from Mauritius had expressed the desire to invest about 100 million dollars in sugar production in the Northern part of Ghana.
He said the symbolic inauguration of the factory was the first step in practical terms that the partnership between Ghana and Mauritius was being contracted.
Sir Anerood said the establishment of the factory was the fruit of the hard work that Ghana had undertaken to transform the country into an industrialised nation.
He said it was the textile industry, which formed the basis for Mauritius to diversify her economy and with her knowledge and experience in the industry Ghana could benefit substantially from their partnership.
Sir Anerood commended the Mauritius partners in the company for their entrepreneurial spirit and adventurism to accept to invest in Ghana. He was optimistic that other entrepreneurs in Mauritius would emulate the example of their counterpart and relocate in Ghana for the textile industry in Ghana to flourish like in Mauritius.
Mr Berty Fong, the Mauritius Managing Director, who owns about 49 per cent shares in the company said he decided to invest in Ghana because of the congenial atmosphere and the investment potentials in the country. Mr Robert Paapa Cudjoe, the Ghanaian Executive Chairman, who owns 51 per cent shares in the company, appealed for the establishment of a Ghana-Mauritius Chamber of Commerce to further strengthen the economic co-operation between the two countries.
He announced that the Company was negotiating with the Dutch Government through DANIDA for an expansion programme that would include screen printing of their products.
The Executive Chairman said negotiations were also underway with the Netherlands Government for the establishment of a fertilizer blending plant at Takoradi before the end of the year.
Mr Cudjoe said the Company was negotiating with Courts of the United Kingdom a home furnishing and electrical appliances company to become their retail outlet in the West African Sub-Region.
The factory with a workforce of about 200 began trial production in August, last year, currently produces 3,000 T-Shirts a day as against a target of 6,000 T-shirts a day an equivalent of about 100,000 T-shirts a month and about 20,000 trousers a month. 02 July 11
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Formex Spring 2011 - turkos
Som alltid så här inför våren var det väldigt färgglatt i montrarna men vissa färger framträdde oftare än andra. Som turkos i alla nyanser. I vissa fall kan man se lite femtiotal över det hela. Som t ex Ceannis körde med rottingmöbler och turkosa kuddar. Mateus satsade på både mörk och ljus turkos framför turkosa väggar och stora färgglada bilder. Även AnnaO och Linum hade turkosa kuddar med.At
Sassi Holford - Jennifer
view original advert on The Dressmarket
Formex Spring 2011 - i vimlet
Bloggänget 'front row' under pressfrukosten - från vänster Charlotte, Maliin, Henrick, Anna, jag, Daniella och Sofie och höger sida Annika, Annika och Stina. Jannice fotar. Mässans internationelle trendspanare Vincent Grégoire presenterade sig. Kändisarna duggade tätt under den första dagen och jag lyckades få några på bild. Ernst Kirchsteiger stod i monter och visade upp sina produkter, Jannice
Friday, January 21, 2011
Formex spring 2011 - entréutställningen
Tillbaka igen efter en hektisk dag på Formex. Tufft program om man ska hinna med allt. Sen blir det ju en massa pratande och hejande och möte med en massa trevliga människor. Mitt totala intryck var att det i år var en ganska liten mässa med härliga vårfärger visserligen men inte mycket nytt. Mässans entréutställning brukar alltid vara lite spektakulär och något som det 'snackas' om och det var
{ A sweet place }
Let´s have a tour in this charming apartment in Sweden. Usually I like the style to be a little bit rougher, but when I see cosy and charming homes like this I just have to look...Wooden floors and walls make it cosy right away. Notice the curtain - looks easy to make, right? This dining corner is adorable! You can´t go wrong with white, pastel green and lots of pillows. A mix of modern and
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Flowers San Francisco
A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.Flowers are perhaps the sweetest thing you can give your loved ones. The most ludicrous gadgets will be invented by humanity, the most adorable stuff toy and most astounding Valentines card will be manufactured, and civilizations will rise and fall. But flowers will remain to be the simplest,
America's Mart International Home Furnishing Market -Part I - Bobo Intriguing Objects
What a fabulous time I had in Atlanta this past weekend. I traveled with my BFF, Diane who is a Designer in Virginia Beach. We just had so much fun!! "Di"and I also met up with Millie, my Designer friend from New Orleans, who is now the exclusive Designer for Tara Shaw, but more about that later in the week. (You can read all about my previous trip to New Orleans to shop with Millie HERE). We
Garment and textile industry should invest further in hi-value competitively priced products
Garment sector looks to boost world export standing.The garment and textile industry this year should invest further in hi-value competitively priced products to maintain its position in the world's top five exporters, with a view to making it into the top three, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai told a conference on Monday.
Hai urged the industry to focus on technological innovation, while sourcing the best raw materials and improving the quality of its human resources – including its management.
An adequate support industry was also necessary to ensure the sector's sustainable development, he said.
The sector has set an ambitious target of US$12.7-$13 billion in export earnings this year, according to the Viet Nam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex).
It is also aiming to source between 55 and 60 per cent of its raw materials locally to cut import costs this year.
To achieve these goals, the sector planned to focus on finding new export markets, Vu Duc Giang, Vinatex chairman, said.
To reduce reliance on imported raw materials, Giang said Vinatex was trying to encourage farmers to grow more cotton.
However, he said it would be difficult to develop a cotton growing industry that met the requirement of the garment and textile industry because of poor soil quality. He said that farmers should alternate growing cotton with other crops to boost profits.
Vinatex is preparing to establish a raw-materials manufacturing joint stock company with its member firms to work with provinces to earmark farmland for cotton growing. It will be looking for farms of 50ha to 100ha.
Despite a number of difficulties, the garment sector still generated $11.2 billion from exports last year, up 23 per cent year-on-year. The localisation ratio rose from 46-49 per cent. — VNS
Hai urged the industry to focus on technological innovation, while sourcing the best raw materials and improving the quality of its human resources – including its management.
An adequate support industry was also necessary to ensure the sector's sustainable development, he said.
The sector has set an ambitious target of US$12.7-$13 billion in export earnings this year, according to the Viet Nam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex).
It is also aiming to source between 55 and 60 per cent of its raw materials locally to cut import costs this year.
To achieve these goals, the sector planned to focus on finding new export markets, Vu Duc Giang, Vinatex chairman, said.
To reduce reliance on imported raw materials, Giang said Vinatex was trying to encourage farmers to grow more cotton.
However, he said it would be difficult to develop a cotton growing industry that met the requirement of the garment and textile industry because of poor soil quality. He said that farmers should alternate growing cotton with other crops to boost profits.
Vinatex is preparing to establish a raw-materials manufacturing joint stock company with its member firms to work with provinces to earmark farmland for cotton growing. It will be looking for farms of 50ha to 100ha.
Despite a number of difficulties, the garment sector still generated $11.2 billion from exports last year, up 23 per cent year-on-year. The localisation ratio rose from 46-49 per cent. — VNS
Apparel Companies,
Indian Textiles sector calls for stable growth policy
Chennai, Jan 19 (IANS) The Indian government should have a stable policy for the textiles industry which needs to adopt a uniform growth plan, an experts panel said here Wednesday.
A panel discussion on 'Prospects of Textile Exports' was organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council of India (TEXPROCIL.
Amit H Ruparelia, chairman of TEXPROCIL, who opened the discussion, said the textiles and clothing sector is facing various challenges like increase in raw material prices in India and overseas and changes in the government policy last year.
According to Manikam Ramaswami, chairman and managing director of Loyal Textile Mills, the domestic demand is on the rise and the industry should move towards free trade regime away from quota regime, implying export quota for cotton.
T. Kannan, managing director of Thiagarajar Mills, said India's competitive strength comes from its home grown cotton, increased productivity and competitive yarn.
Stressing the need for a stable sectoral policy Ashwin Chandran, joint managing director of Precot Meridian, said the spinning industry is sandwiched between cotton growers and the garment makers.
'The fabric and garment sectors should be ready to pay international prices as cross subsidies would not work in the long run,' he said.
Countering the argument, P. Sundararajan, chief managing director of SP Apparels, charged that the spinning mills are not ready to accept orders in advance so that the garment makers can meet their schedules.
Saumitra Chaudhuri, member of planning commission, urged the industry to come out with medium term plan for textile and cotton segment keeping in mind the domestic needs, logistics and integration with South East and African markets.
A panel discussion on 'Prospects of Textile Exports' was organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council of India (TEXPROCIL.
Amit H Ruparelia, chairman of TEXPROCIL, who opened the discussion, said the textiles and clothing sector is facing various challenges like increase in raw material prices in India and overseas and changes in the government policy last year.
According to Manikam Ramaswami, chairman and managing director of Loyal Textile Mills, the domestic demand is on the rise and the industry should move towards free trade regime away from quota regime, implying export quota for cotton.
T. Kannan, managing director of Thiagarajar Mills, said India's competitive strength comes from its home grown cotton, increased productivity and competitive yarn.
Stressing the need for a stable sectoral policy Ashwin Chandran, joint managing director of Precot Meridian, said the spinning industry is sandwiched between cotton growers and the garment makers.
'The fabric and garment sectors should be ready to pay international prices as cross subsidies would not work in the long run,' he said.
Countering the argument, P. Sundararajan, chief managing director of SP Apparels, charged that the spinning mills are not ready to accept orders in advance so that the garment makers can meet their schedules.
Saumitra Chaudhuri, member of planning commission, urged the industry to come out with medium term plan for textile and cotton segment keeping in mind the domestic needs, logistics and integration with South East and African markets.
Profiles of 18 Textile and Apparel Companies in Indonesia
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of Textiles Intelligence's new report "Profiles of 18 Textile and Apparel Companies in Indonesia" to their offering.
Indonesia's economy is the largest in South-East Asia and is growing rapidly. The country has a well-established, vertically integrated textile industry which includes nearly every production stage -- although the bulk of its raw cotton requirements have to be imported. The report provides a general overview of the country and an analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).
It also contains profiles of 18 larger players, namely Apac Inti Corpora, Ateja Multi Industri, Busana Apparel Group, Century Textile Industries (Centex), CMP, Dayani Garment Indonesia (DGI), Ever Shine Tex, Indonesia Synthetic Textile Mills (ISTEM), Indonesia Toray Synthetics (ITS), Indorama Synthetics, Mayer Indah Indonesia, Pan Brothers, Polyfin Canggih, Primatexco Indonesia, Sinar Group, Texmaco Group, Triloka Indoprima and Unitex.
Indonesia's economy is the largest in South-East Asia and is growing rapidly. The country has a well-established, vertically integrated textile industry which includes nearly every production stage -- although the bulk of its raw cotton requirements have to be imported. The report provides a general overview of the country and an analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).
It also contains profiles of 18 larger players, namely Apac Inti Corpora, Ateja Multi Industri, Busana Apparel Group, Century Textile Industries (Centex), CMP, Dayani Garment Indonesia (DGI), Ever Shine Tex, Indonesia Synthetic Textile Mills (ISTEM), Indonesia Toray Synthetics (ITS), Indorama Synthetics, Mayer Indah Indonesia, Pan Brothers, Polyfin Canggih, Primatexco Indonesia, Sinar Group, Texmaco Group, Triloka Indoprima and Unitex.
{ The winner is... }
First I want to thank you all for entering my giveaway. It´s nice to see that so many of you want to win this Photography workshop with talented Christina (which btw is a birthday girl today!)Congratulation Stefanie Krauß! I hope you will enjoy Divas and Dreams photography workshop.For those of you that didn´t win, but still want to sign up for this workshop; I will remind you that you can save
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Formex Spring 2011
Idag börjar Formex och jag kommer att vara där hela dagen från pressfrukosten på morgonen. Ska bli jättekul! Temat för mässan är den här gången 'Glorious mix' vilket känns som om det är ett tema som skulle kunna passa mig väldigt bra. Så här beskriver man temat:'Det mixade, matchade och återbrukade där gammalt och nött blivit nytt igen har fått ett starkt fäste här i Norden. Men nu händer det
{ 3 ways to decorate with knitting }
Knitting is as you probably know very trendy these days, and I thought I could show you some ideas on how to use knitting as decoration in your home.Here you have 3 ways...I´m sure I will come up with some more ideas for you later, but if you have any suggestion of other ways to use knitting as decoration, please tell me.If you haven´t seen my post where I used knitting as a pot - you can see it
Philippine-made garment exports to enter the US duty-free as long as these used American textiles.
THE PHILIPPINES has to accept the fact that its benefits under a proposed trade scheme favoring its garment exports to the US will have to be cut if the measure is to have a better chance of getting approved by the new Congress there, government and private sector officials yesterday said.
But in the meantime, garment giant Luen Thai Holdings, Inc. said it has shelved plans to put up a $5-million jean factory in the country, after the previous US Congress failed to pass the preferential program before its term ended last month.
The proposed "Save our Industries Act," first filed in Washington in 2009, would have allowed Philippine-made garment exports to enter the US duty-free as long as these used American textiles.
There were also provisions that would have reduced import duties on Philippine garments that use textiles woven from US yarns.
This scheme was supposed to result in competitively priced apparel that are a tenth cheaper than those produced by China-based manufacturers using Chinese textiles, Rick Helfenbein, president of the Luen Thai’s American unit TellaS Ltd., told reporters in a press conference yesterday.
Backers of pending bills in the 111th US Congress, however, will have to start from scratch after the legislature’s term ended last December.
Ready for another round
"We will definitely refile [sic] the bill. The position of the government is we will certainly provide the necessary support," Trade Undersecretary Cristino L. Panlilio said in the same briefing, noting that the state agency still has some P450 million to spend from the fund of the now-defunct Garment and Textiles Export Board.
The bill is expected to add $1.1 billion to annual export sales which have currently stagnated at $2 billion-$2.5 billion since 2006, according to estimates from the Confederation of Garment Exporters of the Philippines (CONGEP).
The trade incentive granted to the Philippines should also lure $480 million worth of investments for factories in the first two years of the law’s implementation, CONGEP had said.
‘More palatable’ proposal
"But there are some technical things in the bill [that will be changed] to make it more palatable," said Mr. Helfenbein.
"We will probably delete three to four items," he said, referring to provisions that would reduce tariffs for Philippine garment exports even if these do not use American textiles but at least those cloth woven from US yarn.
This should pacify American textile groups that had raised objections, Mr. Helfenbein said.
A new provision could also be added that will allow Philippine garment makers to source textiles outside the US in case there is a shortage of these raw materials, Mr. Helfenbein said.
Trade high on the agenda
"It is very clear that trade is on the agenda of the 112th Congress," he said.
"We believe the opportunity is ripe."
Luen Thai, which is backing the lobbying effort, has facilities here that make garments and bags for high-end brands like Ralph Lauren, Dillards, Coach and Adidas.
But in the meantime, garment giant Luen Thai Holdings, Inc. said it has shelved plans to put up a $5-million jean factory in the country, after the previous US Congress failed to pass the preferential program before its term ended last month.
The proposed "Save our Industries Act," first filed in Washington in 2009, would have allowed Philippine-made garment exports to enter the US duty-free as long as these used American textiles.
There were also provisions that would have reduced import duties on Philippine garments that use textiles woven from US yarns.
This scheme was supposed to result in competitively priced apparel that are a tenth cheaper than those produced by China-based manufacturers using Chinese textiles, Rick Helfenbein, president of the Luen Thai’s American unit TellaS Ltd., told reporters in a press conference yesterday.
Backers of pending bills in the 111th US Congress, however, will have to start from scratch after the legislature’s term ended last December.
Ready for another round
"We will definitely refile [sic] the bill. The position of the government is we will certainly provide the necessary support," Trade Undersecretary Cristino L. Panlilio said in the same briefing, noting that the state agency still has some P450 million to spend from the fund of the now-defunct Garment and Textiles Export Board.
The bill is expected to add $1.1 billion to annual export sales which have currently stagnated at $2 billion-$2.5 billion since 2006, according to estimates from the Confederation of Garment Exporters of the Philippines (CONGEP).
The trade incentive granted to the Philippines should also lure $480 million worth of investments for factories in the first two years of the law’s implementation, CONGEP had said.
‘More palatable’ proposal
"But there are some technical things in the bill [that will be changed] to make it more palatable," said Mr. Helfenbein.
"We will probably delete three to four items," he said, referring to provisions that would reduce tariffs for Philippine garment exports even if these do not use American textiles but at least those cloth woven from US yarn.
This should pacify American textile groups that had raised objections, Mr. Helfenbein said.
A new provision could also be added that will allow Philippine garment makers to source textiles outside the US in case there is a shortage of these raw materials, Mr. Helfenbein said.
Trade high on the agenda
"It is very clear that trade is on the agenda of the 112th Congress," he said.
"We believe the opportunity is ripe."
Luen Thai, which is backing the lobbying effort, has facilities here that make garments and bags for high-end brands like Ralph Lauren, Dillards, Coach and Adidas.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
League City Rotary Community Baby Shower
Saturday from 9-2 the League City Rotary Club will be hosting a community-wide Baby Shower benefiting Lighthouse Christian Ministries "Learn to Earn" program in Bacliff. Come by the Kroger located at FM 518 & I-45 or South Shore Harbour Resort to donate needed baby items.Let's show how our community truly cares about single young parents!
{ Lexington - spring collection 2011 }
Light blue and jeans-fabric are both a big part of Lexington´s collection that we can find in stores this spring - simply delightful and very fresh! These pictures make me yearn for spring, and even summer. We sure have some nice seasons ahead of us.The last day of entering my giveaway is today before 8pm EST.The winner will be announced tomorrow.Good luck to you all! Images: Lexington / Collage
Stylish Blogger Award
I got this wonderful blog award called 'Stylish Blogger Award' from the beautiful blog Belle Francaise Interiors. I feel really honored and I will do my best to follow the rules. It says that I have to tell 7 facts about myself and then send this award to ten new blogs. The last part is no problem, there are so many great blogs out there, but the 7 facts about my self. This is tough, I have
In mood to change
Every New Year.. I think I must change something or the other I have no idea exactly what I want to C-h-a-n-g-e this year but then there's something that needs to be closed and new things are eager to come out of the box !A small ray of optimism has formed in my heart... Maybe this time I will succeed in my attempts is what all I think these days. .Want to walk on new paths and find new ways. The
Dramatik versus jordnära
Det här rummet har en så spännande balans mellan de dramatiska gardinerna, rymden i rummet och de naturliga och jordnära materialen som trä och linne. Det är lite kargt på något sätt som tilltalar mig och det är också skönt att se att man använder mörkt grå och naturvit istället för det vanliga svart och vitt. This room has an exciting balance between the dramatic curtains, the airy room and the
{ Table - be pretty! }
It´s the people that create the mood, but a beautiful table setting helps the party mood a lot. Choose a theme, a color scale and create an atmosphere that invites your guests to have an enjoyable evening. Create your own rules - think new, think beautiful, think excitement.Enjoy! Read other posts about table settings here. Tomorrow is your last change to enter my giveaway - read more about
Monday, January 17, 2011
Fantasy Floral Parasols
The world-renowned Chelsea Flower Show, held yearly in England, is a spectacular sight to behold. But beyond the flower exhibits themselves, many competitions are held, showcasing the design talents of different groups.One fun exhibit in the 2010 show was the Fantasy Floral Parasol Competition, where exhibitors were challenged to construct an "umbrella" of floral components and other materials
Check out our new sister company Haute Flowers and Finds on Facebook. This past fall TAD AKERS Event Facility purchased an existing flower & gift shop located in League City. It is our goal to be the #1 Bridal & Event Company for the Bay Area! Our 3 designers will not only meet your expectations but go beyond with beauty and customer service in florals and design.Don't forget Valentine's Day
Target Corporation is making its first foray outside the US after agreeing a CAD1.825bn (US$1.83bn) deal
The purchase will allow Target to begin opening its first stores in Canada beginning in 2013, the retailer said , with up to 150 Target stores set to operate by 2014.
"This transaction provides an outstanding opportunity for us to extend our Target brand, Target stores and superior shopping experience beyond the United States for the first time in our company's history," explains Gregg Steinhafel, chairman, president and CEO of Target Corporation.
"We believe our investment in these leases will strengthen the surrounding communities as well as create strategic and financial value for Target stakeholders."
Under the terms of the deal, Target will pay Zellers two equal tranches of C$912.5m in May and September this year. Zellers will sub-lease these sites from Target and continue to operate them under the Zellers banner for a period of time.
The retailer's move into the Canadian market will be overseen by chief marketing officer Michael Francis.
Target, which currently operates 1,752 stores, also said it is trying to sell its credit card receivables portfolio, which totalled $6.7bn as of 30 October.
"This transaction provides an outstanding opportunity for us to extend our Target brand, Target stores and superior shopping experience beyond the United States for the first time in our company's history," explains Gregg Steinhafel, chairman, president and CEO of Target Corporation.
"We believe our investment in these leases will strengthen the surrounding communities as well as create strategic and financial value for Target stakeholders."
Under the terms of the deal, Target will pay Zellers two equal tranches of C$912.5m in May and September this year. Zellers will sub-lease these sites from Target and continue to operate them under the Zellers banner for a period of time.
The retailer's move into the Canadian market will be overseen by chief marketing officer Michael Francis.
Target, which currently operates 1,752 stores, also said it is trying to sell its credit card receivables portfolio, which totalled $6.7bn as of 30 October.
RMG industry crisis: How to solve it?
The garment industry is a rising one in the country. About 3.5 million workers are engaged in this sector. Most of them are women. The importance of this sector in the national economy is immense. Since this sector is conducted by Global Supply Chain, any incident in this sector becomes a much-talked-about topic nationally and internationally.Conscious people firmly believe that if effective and meaningful steps are taken, the production and marketing in this sector will be double and 3.0 million more workers can be engaged in this sector. The sector has got 25 per cent more orders in the last three months within the existing market.
Besides, there has arisen a possibility of exporting ready-made garments to Japan, India, China, South Africa, Brazil and some other countries of the world.
Different organisations working for the protection of human rights and labour rights of the world always intensively observe this sector due to the volume of our exported goods and the ability of remaining in the competition in the world. It is not possible to conceal anything in this world of the free flow of information. So any incident in the export-oriented garment industry becomes the lead news of the national and international media. It is the demand of time to maintain and enhance the image of the industry in the global market. The announcement of the minimum wages for the RMG employees within the shortest possible time and the rescue operations taken up by the government after the fire incident in Ha-Meem Group are undoubtedly praiseworthy.
There has been a gap between the expectations and gains of the workers since the inception of the industry in the world. Dialogue and compromise are the way of maintaining stability and a healthy industrial relation is the only way to remove the gap.
We firmly believe in a constructive, responsible, creative, uncompromising workers’ movement not in violence and anarchy. We are uncompromising in the question of realising the demands of the workers. We are committed to play the role of a sleepless guard to protect the national industries. The globally recognized systematic and legal way of creating the environment of the dialogue and compromise is to ensure right to organize and right to bargain collectively ie to implement effectively and meaningfully the articles 87 and 98 of ILO convention and the existing labour laws of the country.
Some recent incidents have damaged the image of this sector nationally and internationally. The killing of 21 workers in the fire incident in Garib & Garib factory, killing of 4 workers by shooting during the worker unrest in Chittagong EPZ and killing of 28 workers in the fire incident in Ha-Meem Group garment factory in Ashulia of Savar were undesirable, painful and heart-rending. Some organizations around the world expressed mixed reaction over these incidents.
On behalf of the garment workers’ federation, we would like to clearly give a strong message to the government and owners that we want safe workplace not any death trap. We demand judicial inquiry of the fire incident in Ha-Meem Group. We strongly demand to publish the list of how many workers died and were injured. There is no workers’ representative in the inquiry committee formed by the government. So there is a scope for the inquiry not being unbiased and neutral. We also demand revelation of the report of the inquiry of Garib & Garib incident.
According to the information received from various sources, the factory of Ha-Meem Group is of international standard from architectural point of view and the fire-extinguishing equipment and infrastructure is modern. What the fire fighters did during the incident is also a matter of concern. The matter of the main gate being locked during the incident needs to be investigated.
The demands are:
1. The right of forming trade union by workers in accordance with the existing labour laws and in line with ILO convention has to be ensured.
2. Constructing factories according to the Building Code and Factory Act must be made mandatory.
3. All tin-shed roofs of the factories must be removed.
4. The stairs of the factories must be widened and heaping goods on the stairs must be banned.
5. Tk 0.5 million (5.0 lakh) is to be paid to a dead worker’s family and proper treatment should be arranged for the injured workers. Full salaries of the injured workers must be paid until they join after recovery.
6. Effective fire-extinguishing measures need to be arranged in every factory and the gates of the factories must be kept open during the working hours.
7. The newly-announced wage structure must be implemented and corrected in case of any inconsistency.
Urges to the buyers:
The federation urges the buyers, brands and retailers that they would provide financial assistance to the dead and injured workers in accordance with the rules of Loss of Earnings showing due respect to CSR. In this case, the example of Voluntary Relief Fund of Spectrum Sweater Factory can be followed.
Urges to the international trade union and human rights organizations:
Paying respect to the concerns of international trade unions, human rights organizations and labour rights organizations we would like to say that they should press the buyers and retailers to raise the purchase price so that the owners of the industries of our county can get the increased price and be able to give the workers due wages. Our earnest request to them is to conduct campaign for the duty-free access of our goods to the USA. Thus it will be possible to conduct the activities jointly. If the campaign is conducted unilaterally and based on biased information, the development of the industry will be hampered and the working class, especially female workers, will be greatly affected which is not desirable and expected from a conscious human rights activist.
Besides, there has arisen a possibility of exporting ready-made garments to Japan, India, China, South Africa, Brazil and some other countries of the world.
Different organisations working for the protection of human rights and labour rights of the world always intensively observe this sector due to the volume of our exported goods and the ability of remaining in the competition in the world. It is not possible to conceal anything in this world of the free flow of information. So any incident in the export-oriented garment industry becomes the lead news of the national and international media. It is the demand of time to maintain and enhance the image of the industry in the global market. The announcement of the minimum wages for the RMG employees within the shortest possible time and the rescue operations taken up by the government after the fire incident in Ha-Meem Group are undoubtedly praiseworthy.
There has been a gap between the expectations and gains of the workers since the inception of the industry in the world. Dialogue and compromise are the way of maintaining stability and a healthy industrial relation is the only way to remove the gap.
We firmly believe in a constructive, responsible, creative, uncompromising workers’ movement not in violence and anarchy. We are uncompromising in the question of realising the demands of the workers. We are committed to play the role of a sleepless guard to protect the national industries. The globally recognized systematic and legal way of creating the environment of the dialogue and compromise is to ensure right to organize and right to bargain collectively ie to implement effectively and meaningfully the articles 87 and 98 of ILO convention and the existing labour laws of the country.
Some recent incidents have damaged the image of this sector nationally and internationally. The killing of 21 workers in the fire incident in Garib & Garib factory, killing of 4 workers by shooting during the worker unrest in Chittagong EPZ and killing of 28 workers in the fire incident in Ha-Meem Group garment factory in Ashulia of Savar were undesirable, painful and heart-rending. Some organizations around the world expressed mixed reaction over these incidents.
On behalf of the garment workers’ federation, we would like to clearly give a strong message to the government and owners that we want safe workplace not any death trap. We demand judicial inquiry of the fire incident in Ha-Meem Group. We strongly demand to publish the list of how many workers died and were injured. There is no workers’ representative in the inquiry committee formed by the government. So there is a scope for the inquiry not being unbiased and neutral. We also demand revelation of the report of the inquiry of Garib & Garib incident.
According to the information received from various sources, the factory of Ha-Meem Group is of international standard from architectural point of view and the fire-extinguishing equipment and infrastructure is modern. What the fire fighters did during the incident is also a matter of concern. The matter of the main gate being locked during the incident needs to be investigated.
The demands are:
1. The right of forming trade union by workers in accordance with the existing labour laws and in line with ILO convention has to be ensured.
2. Constructing factories according to the Building Code and Factory Act must be made mandatory.
3. All tin-shed roofs of the factories must be removed.
4. The stairs of the factories must be widened and heaping goods on the stairs must be banned.
5. Tk 0.5 million (5.0 lakh) is to be paid to a dead worker’s family and proper treatment should be arranged for the injured workers. Full salaries of the injured workers must be paid until they join after recovery.
6. Effective fire-extinguishing measures need to be arranged in every factory and the gates of the factories must be kept open during the working hours.
7. The newly-announced wage structure must be implemented and corrected in case of any inconsistency.
Urges to the buyers:
The federation urges the buyers, brands and retailers that they would provide financial assistance to the dead and injured workers in accordance with the rules of Loss of Earnings showing due respect to CSR. In this case, the example of Voluntary Relief Fund of Spectrum Sweater Factory can be followed.
Urges to the international trade union and human rights organizations:
Paying respect to the concerns of international trade unions, human rights organizations and labour rights organizations we would like to say that they should press the buyers and retailers to raise the purchase price so that the owners of the industries of our county can get the increased price and be able to give the workers due wages. Our earnest request to them is to conduct campaign for the duty-free access of our goods to the USA. Thus it will be possible to conduct the activities jointly. If the campaign is conducted unilaterally and based on biased information, the development of the industry will be hampered and the working class, especially female workers, will be greatly affected which is not desirable and expected from a conscious human rights activist.
Smart lösning på tv dilemmat
Det här med tvn är ju ett dilemma för oss inredare. Men är inte det här från Norm Architects bara en så smart idé. Svart vägg med en inbyggd tv - får tv att försvinna nästan helt. Its always a dilemma how to do with the tv, but isn't this idea from Norm Architects just a great way to deal with this. A black wall with an inbuilt tv. Foto Norm Architects
{ My new home office }
Hello everyone, and hello Monday! How was you weekend? Mine has been really lazy, but it was good to relax a bit.My home office is finally coming together, so I thought I could show you some pictures of how it looks right now. It won´t be totally finished until I get my stuff from Los Angeles (which seems to take a long time! ), but I enjoy sitting here now.I like to be surrounded by things
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Nordiskt blont
Det var länge sen man hörde uttrycket nordiskt blont, men det här danska huset ritat av Norm Architects känns för mig som ett typexempel. Funktionalistisk arkitektur med öppen planlösning och vackra enkla linjer med mycket vitt och mycket ljus. Ljusa träslag tillsammans med vita möbler och en del enstaka inslag av svart. Norm Architecs är företaget som bl a ritat den lilla lampan 'Milk Lamp' som
{ Learn more about photography! }
Reminding you all that you have a few more days to enter Stylizimo´s giveaway where you can win a spot on Divas and Dreams creative photography online workshop! Are you passionate about photography? Do you have an urge to learn more and create images friends and family will droll over? Do you love your digital camera but are you stuck in a creative rut - lacking inspiration? Are you looking to
En häftig gammal paradlägenhet
Den senaste veckan har jag jobbat med en riktigt häftig gammal lägenhet i centrala delarna av Malmö. En av mina kunder vill få den anpassad för att kunna fungera som kontorsmiljö för sin verksamhet. Det är en stor härlig paradlägenhet i ett hus från 1896 med tre stora representationsrum i fil, flera små rum inåt gården och en gammaldags serveringsgång. Man kan riktigt känna hur där en gång i
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sassi Holford - Lindsay
view original advert on The DressmarketBeautiful silk strapped gown- a classic style from Sassi Holford with a subtle fishtail skirt.
Snart vår och ny energi
Håll ut mina vänner snart är det vår! Den här tiden på året kan vara lite kämpig men man måste blicka framåt och se att årets härligaste tid är inom räckhåll. Jag tycker bästa knepet är att helt enkelt ta sig för saker, träffa folk och hålla sig sysselsatt med kul och inspirerande saker så man får massor av energi. I nästa vecka ska jag till Stockholm för att gå på Formex. Ska bli väldigt kul att
Friday, January 14, 2011
Ett av mina gamla projekt
En av mina gamla kunder håller på att flytta. Deras kontor var ett projekt som jag jobbade med för fyra år sedan. Det var ett stort projekt där jag fick vara med redan från början innan huset var byggt och fram tills allt var klart. Det är lite snyft att de nu ska flytta för det här är nog det av mina projekt som jag känt mig mest nöjd med. Det var också väldigt kul och lite ovanligt eftersom jag
Paloma Blanca - 3953
view original advert on The DressmarketStunning silk fishtail gown by Paloma Blanca with beaded lace around bust and train. Zip and buttons up back.
Grenar och fårskinn
Kargt, kallt och grått men så vackert i sin enkelhet. Känns som om hela vårt land skulle kunna passa in på den beskrivningen just nu. Men bilderna nedan är faktiskt från vårt grannland Danmark. Jag gillar grenar och fårskinn och det grå, det är bara så!Trevlig helg!Cold, barren, grey but simple and beautiful. It could be a description of our whole country at the moment. Love the grey and and the
Thursday, January 13, 2011
{ Chalk board & happy weekend! }
I´ve seen that many of you have made chalk board´s yourself, and I think they look very cool, so I wanted to make one as well for my home office. After some paining (chalk board -paint), and adding moldings I had a chalk board as well.I´ll show you some more pictures from my office when it´s all done.Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!Any plans? Images: Nina Holst
{ 1-2-3 new pot! }
I was knitting a scarf during the holidays, but after 1/3 of the scarf I thought that maybe I could use it around vases or pots instead.Here you have the result...I used the same cable stitch pattern as I used on the pillow that I made. But know I used thinner knitting needles and yarn. Have you knitted anything for your home lately?Images: Nina Holst
Charlotte Balbier - Ella
view original advert on The DressmarketElla by Charlotte Balbier has a beautiful ruched bodice with one shoulder detail. The full skirt is tulle.
Annorlunda Parislägenhet
På tal om det lite råa.. Ingen ska säga att allt ser likadant ut i inredningsvärlden, titta bara på det här franska hemmet. Det är på något sätt lite tokigt snyggt. Man har hejvilt blandat alla möjliga stilar och ändå fått ihop en cool helhet.Take a look at this cool Parisian home. All the different styles mixed but still they have managed to get it all to work together. Very different.Bilder
Öppen spis,
RMG sector earning may reach $30-35b in 4-5 yrs
The earning from garment sector may be taken up to US$ 30-35 billion in the next 4-5 years by ensuring power, infrastructure and port facilities, and maintaining law and order situation, said FBCCI President A K Azad.The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) chief said the local RMG industry’s growth was 40 per cent last year, and it will start increasing significantly within a short time. For this the government has to ensure logistic supports for the sector.
He said these at the inaugural ceremony of International Apparel Machinery, Fabrics and Accessories Tradeshow of Bangladesh at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city Wednesday.
The three-day fair was jointly organised by Zakaria Trade and Fair International and ASK Trade and Exhibitions Pvt Ltd. It will continue from January 12 to 15, and as many as 150 companies from 24 countries will display their products at the 10th edition of Garmentech Bangladesh and IFA Sourcing Fair.
Industries Minister Dilip Barua was present as the chief guest of the programme.
He said these at the inaugural ceremony of International Apparel Machinery, Fabrics and Accessories Tradeshow of Bangladesh at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city Wednesday.
The three-day fair was jointly organised by Zakaria Trade and Fair International and ASK Trade and Exhibitions Pvt Ltd. It will continue from January 12 to 15, and as many as 150 companies from 24 countries will display their products at the 10th edition of Garmentech Bangladesh and IFA Sourcing Fair.
Industries Minister Dilip Barua was present as the chief guest of the programme.
Notice Board,
Top Stories
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tips på bra bloggar
Idag hoppar jag på Room & Serves och Inspirera Meras drive att tipsa om fem bra inredningsbloggar. Här kommer några av mina favoriter. Fler hittar ni i min lista under 'bloggtips' längst ner i högermarginalen. Där finns ett helt gäng jättebra bloggar.
{ Feeling of spring }
Yesterday we actually had a moment of sunshine here in Oslo, and I had to capture it before the sun disappeared. The light was so delightful, and it gave me a good feeling - a feeling of spring!If you missed my post on how I made this table, you can read it here.I hope you will have a wonderful day my dear readers.♡ Images: Nina Holst
OPEN HOUSE - THIS Friday, January 14
Come out and see TAD AKERS Open House this Friday from 5:30-8:30 PM. Enjoy a light catering menu and visit with a few of our vendors while enjoying the beauty of our wonderful old Post Office setting.TAD AKERS can host up to 250 with inside seating. There will booking incentives you won't want to miss!!!Call for further information: 281-338-9090We are located at 218 Clear Creek Avenue in
Swedish New - inget shabby bara chic
Fick ett kul pressutskick där det stod - 'Glöm shabby chic nu gäller bara chic'. Ja, vem kan motstå det uttalandet, underbara bilder dessutom. Företaget bakom heter Swedish New och har sin egen alldeles vita stil. Dags att leta fram sprejburken igen och gå loss på några gamla figuriner kanske.Take a look at these inspiration images from Swedish New. They really have their own style with old
Ellis - 11032
view original advert on The DressmarketBeautiful Ivory wedding Dress known as 'The Princess and the Frog'. You can put the train up at the back for the evening. the dress has a beautiful detachable flower that goes on either left or right hip.
Blått och rått men nu med lantlig känsla
Nej, nu har jag hamnat på blått igen. Jag som jobbat på att få bort det här hemma i mitt eget hus. Bara till att inse att jag gillar det igen, så här kommer mer inspiration på temat blått och rått men nu är det rått trä och det blå är lite mer tillputsat och det hela blir på något sätt lite mer lantligt. Kul att sätta olika stolar och pallar till bordet. Det är inte helt lätt att få till det där,
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
{ House Doctor 2011 - Fabulous! }
I´m in LOVE! House Doctor´s new collection is so cool, and it follow the trends of 2011 perfectly! Here you have a peek of some of their goodies..The rustic and natural trend continues in 2011. I like how they mix it all together with fresh colors as shown underneath. Yes, we have a lot to look forward to this spring!Their new collection is in stores early March, so we have to be patient.I see so
{ Coffee table on a budget - BEFORE AND AFTER }
When I was on Ikea this Saturday I found a dining table in the SALE corner. It was super cheap, so I thought I could use it as a coffee table after a makeover.Makeover - what I did:I went home and cut the legs in a length that I found suitable, then I treated the legs with driftwood stain and the top got painted white. Suddenly I had a coffee table with a look that I´m now very happy with!The
Marylise - Tamara
view original advert on The DressmarketA very elegant silk dress from Marylise with striking neckline and crystal beading. Covered buttons cover the zip at the back. Ideal for a winter wedding.
Blå och rå industrilook
Jeansblått, bruna toner, soffa utan armstöd och skön rå industrilook. Just my style! En inspirationsbild från Borås Tapeter rakt från fabriken kanske. Kul idé. Tapeten heter Shade.Just my style with the jeans blue, brown base and the industrial look. This is an image from the swedish wallpaper manufacturer Borås Tapeter. I guess it might be taken in their factory. The wallpaper is called 'Shade'
Gorgeous Downsizing
Recently there has been a huge increase in the news that the era of the McMansion is coming to a close. It is said that as the baby boomers move into retirement many are wanting to downsize. Of course downsizing immediately conjures up images of a smaller cramped and uninteresting house, but not if you are acclaimed architect Peter Zimmerman. A master of proportion and scale, Zimmerman,
Monday, January 10, 2011
{ Giveaway: Divas and Dreams creative photography workshop }
One lucky person will win a spot on the Divas and Dreams creative photography workshop which runs for six weeks!!This giveaway has a value of 500 USD!Read more about the workshop here; Divas and Dreams creative photography workshopHere is how to enter to win "Divas and Dreams creative photography workshop": You may enter up to four times!First Entry: Follow Stylizimo blogSecond Entry: "LIKE"
Sunman Group sets up largest home textile plant in Bangladesh
Sunman Group said Saturday it is setting up the country's largest home textile plant to grab new-found opportunities in the European Union's four billion dollars bed-sheet and curtain market.
The clothing-to-beverage maker is investing more than eight billion taka in a state-of-the-art plant at Iswardi export processing zone, which will go into operation mid-2012, its CEO said.
"We have bought 57 plots covering a third of the Ishwardi EPZ. Some 70 per cent of the civil work has been completed," said Shafiqur Rahman, the Chief Executive Officer of the group.
The plant will have a capacity to produce 100,000 yards of bed sheet and curtains a day, making it the country's largest home textile manufacturers.
The investment has been fast-tracked after the EU last month relaxed its import rules, allowing products with 30 per cent value addition to get duty-free access in the world's second largest clothing market.
Earlier a manufacturer had to add at least 60 per cent value in Bangladesh to get free market access to the highly-lucrative market.
Rahman said the $4 billion EU market is their prime target but products of the new facility will also be shipped to the US, Japan and Australia.
The factory will manufacture all kinds of home textile under one roof. It will make yarn from imported raw cotton and then weave it into fabrics such as bed sheet, cushion cover, decorative pillow and curtain.
Sunman's CEO said the nearly $200 million group went ahead with the investment despite acute shortages of gas and energy in the country.
"The EPZ authority has assured us of supplying power and gas once we go into production in mid-2012," he said.
General Manager of the EPZ, situated 220 kilometre north-west from Dhaka, said the massive Sunman plant has changed the once-staid atmosphere at the industrial park.
Launched in 2000-1, the country's eighth EPZ had to wait five years to see its first investment. Since then it has wooed a few top names including Rahmafrooz's 25 million dollars automotive battery plant.
Experts said the latest investment in home textile would make Bangladesh one of the top players in global bed sheets and cover markets.
Presently, Pakistan is the largest home textile exporter, both in the key US and the EU. Islamabad exported 685 million euro worth of home textile in EU in 2009, followed by Turkey worth 600 million euro.
Bangladesh with an annual shipment of 185 million dollar is also a top-five exporter in the EU. "We shall be in the race for top position once our plant goes into production," said Rahman.
Textile millers said political and security problems in Pakistan have forced many buyers to search new import destinations with Bangladesh drawing most attention because of its low-cost labour.
"We've abundant cheap labour and our workers also learn quickly -- the ideal conditions for home textile growth," former Bangladesh Textile Mills Association president Abdul Hye Sircar said.
Mr Hye said: "This is an area where profit is guaranteed as China is becoming costly and Pakistan has been in troubles for some time."
Sunman's project, named Sunman Industrial Corporation, is being funded by a consortium of local financial institutions led by One Bank.
The banks are financing 60 per cent of project outlay while the company is investing the rest from its own coffer.
Zillul Hye Razi, trade adviser of European Commission's trade delegation in Dhaka, said the EU's relaxed import rules would boost Dhaka's home textile export to the 27-nation economic block.
According to new EU rules of origin (ROO), Bangladeshi companies can be able to export homes textiles by sourcing fabrics from a third country.
"All an exporter needs is to dye and complete the products here under the new ROO, which became effective from first day of the new-year," Razi said.
"I think this is the right time for Bangladeshi entrepreneurs to invest in the sector," he added. "There is also huge export potentials in the US market."
Nurul Islam, chairman of Noman Group -- the country's largest home textile maker -- said arrival of a new player will enhance competitiveness and raise Dhaka's global market share.
"It will create new challenges and opportunities for us," Islam said, adding in the short-term the country may face shortage of skilled labour.
At present, Bangladesh has only eight export-oriented home textile mills: seven in the greater Dhaka district and one in the port city of Chittagong.
Noman Group exports around 20 million US dollars worth of home textile each month. Other producers include Alltex, ACS Textile, Sad Musa, Regent, JK Group and Classical Home.
Source: The Financial Express, Bangladesh
The clothing-to-beverage maker is investing more than eight billion taka in a state-of-the-art plant at Iswardi export processing zone, which will go into operation mid-2012, its CEO said.
"We have bought 57 plots covering a third of the Ishwardi EPZ. Some 70 per cent of the civil work has been completed," said Shafiqur Rahman, the Chief Executive Officer of the group.
The plant will have a capacity to produce 100,000 yards of bed sheet and curtains a day, making it the country's largest home textile manufacturers.
The investment has been fast-tracked after the EU last month relaxed its import rules, allowing products with 30 per cent value addition to get duty-free access in the world's second largest clothing market.
Earlier a manufacturer had to add at least 60 per cent value in Bangladesh to get free market access to the highly-lucrative market.
Rahman said the $4 billion EU market is their prime target but products of the new facility will also be shipped to the US, Japan and Australia.
The factory will manufacture all kinds of home textile under one roof. It will make yarn from imported raw cotton and then weave it into fabrics such as bed sheet, cushion cover, decorative pillow and curtain.
Sunman's CEO said the nearly $200 million group went ahead with the investment despite acute shortages of gas and energy in the country.
"The EPZ authority has assured us of supplying power and gas once we go into production in mid-2012," he said.
General Manager of the EPZ, situated 220 kilometre north-west from Dhaka, said the massive Sunman plant has changed the once-staid atmosphere at the industrial park.
Launched in 2000-1, the country's eighth EPZ had to wait five years to see its first investment. Since then it has wooed a few top names including Rahmafrooz's 25 million dollars automotive battery plant.
Experts said the latest investment in home textile would make Bangladesh one of the top players in global bed sheets and cover markets.
Presently, Pakistan is the largest home textile exporter, both in the key US and the EU. Islamabad exported 685 million euro worth of home textile in EU in 2009, followed by Turkey worth 600 million euro.
Bangladesh with an annual shipment of 185 million dollar is also a top-five exporter in the EU. "We shall be in the race for top position once our plant goes into production," said Rahman.
Textile millers said political and security problems in Pakistan have forced many buyers to search new import destinations with Bangladesh drawing most attention because of its low-cost labour.
"We've abundant cheap labour and our workers also learn quickly -- the ideal conditions for home textile growth," former Bangladesh Textile Mills Association president Abdul Hye Sircar said.
Mr Hye said: "This is an area where profit is guaranteed as China is becoming costly and Pakistan has been in troubles for some time."
Sunman's project, named Sunman Industrial Corporation, is being funded by a consortium of local financial institutions led by One Bank.
The banks are financing 60 per cent of project outlay while the company is investing the rest from its own coffer.
Zillul Hye Razi, trade adviser of European Commission's trade delegation in Dhaka, said the EU's relaxed import rules would boost Dhaka's home textile export to the 27-nation economic block.
According to new EU rules of origin (ROO), Bangladeshi companies can be able to export homes textiles by sourcing fabrics from a third country.
"All an exporter needs is to dye and complete the products here under the new ROO, which became effective from first day of the new-year," Razi said.
"I think this is the right time for Bangladeshi entrepreneurs to invest in the sector," he added. "There is also huge export potentials in the US market."
Nurul Islam, chairman of Noman Group -- the country's largest home textile maker -- said arrival of a new player will enhance competitiveness and raise Dhaka's global market share.
"It will create new challenges and opportunities for us," Islam said, adding in the short-term the country may face shortage of skilled labour.
At present, Bangladesh has only eight export-oriented home textile mills: seven in the greater Dhaka district and one in the port city of Chittagong.
Noman Group exports around 20 million US dollars worth of home textile each month. Other producers include Alltex, ACS Textile, Sad Musa, Regent, JK Group and Classical Home.
Source: The Financial Express, Bangladesh
{ DIY: New trendy dining table in 1-2-3! }
It seems that we have to wait quite some time for all our belongings that we have shipped from Los Angeles, so this weekend I had to be creative and handy(!), so we can have a "home" while we are waiting...One of the things that I made this weekend was this dining table inspired by the lovely blog "Helt Enkelt", and I´m very happy with the result. I got exactly the look that I wanted - rustic and
Billigt och dekorativt
Inte allt som är snyggt behöver vara dyrt. Se bara på de här enkla sätten att dekorera med bilder och böcker. Både ett bra sätt att förvara och snyggt. Nytta med nöje! De nästan osynliga hyllorna bakom böckerna kommer troligtvis från Dutch by Design.Not everything that looks decorative have to be expensive. Take a look at these ideas with simple pictures and and books. The shelves behind the
Ella Mai Bridal - Virany
view original advert on The DressmarketVirany is made of satin on the bodice and tulle netting on the skirt Virany
{ Lucky me! }
Hello to you, and hello Monday! I´m going to show you one of me DIY project later today, but first I have to shoe you this lovely giveaway I found in the mail yesterday.I also bought an interior magazine yesterday and made myself a mocha with my new Nespresso - a perfect Sunday!Thank you Signe four your lovely giveaway - I wore the scarf yesterday and it was very pretty!Have a good Monday
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sassi Holford - Elizabeth
view original advert on The DressmarketElizabeth is a stunning beaded lace gown by Sassi with fantastic inner corsetry to give a fantastic fit and support.
{ Work in progress }
Hello everybody! How is your weekend so far? I have been very busy with fixing, building, making and shopping things to our new apartment. I´ll tell you more about my DIY projects later, but here is a sneak peek of one of them...Today I´m going to sew some pillows, and if the result is okay I'll show them to you later here on my blog.Have a good day everybody! Images: Nina Holst
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Dressy Dale is looking to expand its doors with a new outlet in Gulshan.
After bringing us twelve years of high-end fashion, Dressy Dale is looking to expand its doors with a new outlet in Gulshan. This swanky 4000 sq ft boutique will open its doors to the public on November 20. Why is this news particularly exciting at this time of the year? Because, along with the new store, Dressy Dale will be launching its brand new bridal fashion line, to cater to every bride and groom’s clothing needs for their special events.
Design coordinator Maya Rahman explained the reason behind this new direction. “You see most people heading to India or Bangkok to shop for the wedding trousseau and the clothes. We wanted to give our clients the option of something that combined local flavours with international quality.
Dressy Dale’s first Bridal collection for Winter 2009 consists of saris and lahengas in georgette, muslin and net, with heavy patchwork, appliqués, ribbon-work, and zardosi. This season, the wedding clothes have a strong floral theme, with an abundance of flower and petal motifs over fields of white, gold, tan, and the traditional red. Matching bags, shoes, and headdresses are also on offer.
The holud apparel also include silk, organza and kota as their base fabric, in bright shades of yellow, marigold, green, and red. These come with matching botuas, shoes, and holud ornaments. The women’s line also has a limited collection of jamdani in tri-colored zari, but otherwise unembellished. There is also a men’s line, featuring panjabi, complete with uttorios, waistcoats and other accessories. While the collection has a distinct look of its own, the new outlet will allow for clients to ask for variations on a design, and even provide custom-made children’s outfits on demand.
The clothes, bags and shoe uppers are all locally made, although some of the materials are imported. They do not come cheap, with price tags ranging between Tk 60,000 to Tk 1.5 lakhs. In addition to the Bridal collection, there will be the regular collection of saris, shalwar sets, and panjabis for party wear and special occasions. With Eid around the corner, colours like burgundy, red, and peacock blue are running strong. The new outlet will also be showcasing Dressy Dale’s new home furnishing section, which has on offer bedcovers, pillowcases, cushion covers, and bed runners with bright art déco motifs, bright colours and intricate appliqué work.
With so many offerings right ahead of the party month, Dressy Dale’s new venture should be worth looking forward to, so keep your peepers peeled for more updates!
Design coordinator Maya Rahman explained the reason behind this new direction. “You see most people heading to India or Bangkok to shop for the wedding trousseau and the clothes. We wanted to give our clients the option of something that combined local flavours with international quality.
Dressy Dale’s first Bridal collection for Winter 2009 consists of saris and lahengas in georgette, muslin and net, with heavy patchwork, appliqués, ribbon-work, and zardosi. This season, the wedding clothes have a strong floral theme, with an abundance of flower and petal motifs over fields of white, gold, tan, and the traditional red. Matching bags, shoes, and headdresses are also on offer.
The holud apparel also include silk, organza and kota as their base fabric, in bright shades of yellow, marigold, green, and red. These come with matching botuas, shoes, and holud ornaments. The women’s line also has a limited collection of jamdani in tri-colored zari, but otherwise unembellished. There is also a men’s line, featuring panjabi, complete with uttorios, waistcoats and other accessories. While the collection has a distinct look of its own, the new outlet will allow for clients to ask for variations on a design, and even provide custom-made children’s outfits on demand.
The clothes, bags and shoe uppers are all locally made, although some of the materials are imported. They do not come cheap, with price tags ranging between Tk 60,000 to Tk 1.5 lakhs. In addition to the Bridal collection, there will be the regular collection of saris, shalwar sets, and panjabis for party wear and special occasions. With Eid around the corner, colours like burgundy, red, and peacock blue are running strong. The new outlet will also be showcasing Dressy Dale’s new home furnishing section, which has on offer bedcovers, pillowcases, cushion covers, and bed runners with bright art déco motifs, bright colours and intricate appliqué work.
With so many offerings right ahead of the party month, Dressy Dale’s new venture should be worth looking forward to, so keep your peepers peeled for more updates!
Sottero & Midgley - ASM3240
view original advert on The DressmarketVery flexible size wise with its corset back allowing lots of adjustment & flexibility. It is made from Royal Crushed Satin giving a distinctive crinkled look. I
Genomtänkt med avslappnad känsla
Det här gillar jag, det är så genomtänkt i sin helhet med en vit bas och detaljer i brunt och svart. En modern stil blandat med lantligt råa dörrar och förvaring. Ändå känns det inte överjobbat utan det finns en avslappnad känsla, allt är bara så konsekvent genomfört. Snacka om att det är effektfullt med genomgående vita golv.I like this, I like when someone have thought through the whole
Öppen spis,
Friday, January 7, 2011
Charlotte Balbier - Morgan
view original advert on The DressmarketMorgan is a beautiful taffeta dress with large floral one shoulder detail.
Oväntat minimalistiskt
Det här svart och vita danska hemmet är minimalistiskt snyggt med sina moderna klassiker i sekelskiftsvåning. Det skulle kunna bli ganska stelt men det är det ändå inte eftersom det finns något oväntat och lite oorganiserat i de små detaljerna som t ex sättet att hänga upp tavlor.Black, white and strictly minimalistic with danish classical furniture. It could have been very formal but it's not
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Charmigt sekelskiftesbadrum
Vad passar bättre i ett badrum från 1908 än ett svartvitt rutigt golv och ett badkar på lejontassar. Charmigt och tidsenligt renoverat. Lägg märke till det stilleben liknande arrangemanget vid handfatet. Det är inte så mycket som behövs för att det ska se ut som om någon bryr sig.What suits better in a bathroom from 1908 than this black and white tiles and wonderful tub. Beautifully restored with
Paloma Blanca - 4064
view original advert on The DressmarketBeautiful soft satin dress by Paloma Blanca with beautiful pleating around the bust and brooch detail with full skirt and pockets. In excellent condition.
Bangladesh:Apparel tech show starts Jan 12
The tenth edition of Garmentech Bangladesh show will be held at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in Dhaka from January 12-15, showcasing the latest machinery and technology in the garment sector.Zakaria Trade and Fair International and ASK Trade and Exhibitions Ltd will organise the event, said a statement yesterday.
{ A cup of coffee? }
I´ve dreamed of this coffee machine for a while now, and since I got some money for Christmas, I´m now a happy owner of a Nespresso CitiZ & milk d120.I love the design of it - it´s so cool!Do you have a Nespresso, and are you happy with it?Any favorites among their capsules? Thank you so much for all your greetings yesterday. Happy weekend everybody! ♡
{ Moving into our apartment! }
Today I´m moving into the apartment that we are renting, and this is how it looks...! We still haven´t got the furniture that we have shipped from Los Angeles, and we still haven´t find a new sofa, so the apartment will stay a bit empty in the beginning. We are renting it unfurnished, so this is not our stuff. We are keeping most of the furniture that we had i Los Angeles. I´m excited anyway!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
{ Lisbeth Dahl - everyday luxury! }
"Inspired by the golden nights of the old Persia, lazy summer days floating away, tales of 1001 night, and the wonderful items found in a Sheikh´s palace; this collection invites you into a unique world of everyday luxury."Here you have some Lisbeth Dahl´s spring/summer collection 2011."From elegant to cozy, from feminine to fun, this collection contains as varied items as handmade charming
Sassi Holford - Lucianne
view original advert on The DressmarketA stunning pale ivory organza dress by Sassi Holford with large corsage at bust and full skirt. Button up back.
Ljuvliga pasteller
Pastellfärger har väl egentligen aldrig riktigt varit min grej men jag är på gång att ändra mig. Skadad från 80-talets mintgröna chock så har jag först nu börjat tycka att pastellfärger kan vara riktigt fint. Ditte Isagers bilder med ljusblått och vitt har en vacker frostig känsla. I've never really liked pastel colours, especially not after the mistakes with mint green during the eighties. But
Why Corporate Identity is a Very Powerful Communication Branding Tools
Corporate identity is very much achieved by the brand building and marketing strategies of the company. So how actually is a brand built? It is done through the help of branding tools like logo designs, business cards and brochures. Brochures and advertisements are the most powerful communication branding tools as you get to distribute them to anyone around your locality. you can make brochures describing your company, it's specialties and services to the public, thus making them aware of your presence! Once more people get to know about your services and facilities, more people come to you to try them out, thus making your company a better success!
It should be made sure that all marketing communication material has the corporate logo on it, thus enhancing your credibility as a professional enterprise. The reason for the need of all marketing communication having a corporate logo is that this is the thing that will be handed over to the public as an advertisement. You hand out business cards for potential clients for them to remember you and your company, there will be incidents wherein you have to send letters to different companies. If you send these letters through letters using letterheads with your company logo, the recipient company will remember you better for future correspondence and dealings. Therefore, it can be seen that to enhance the corporate identity, the brand has to be enhanced or built. We do this through marketing strategies, thus incorporating that corporate identity is a very powerful communication-branding tool.
It should be made sure that all marketing communication material has the corporate logo on it, thus enhancing your credibility as a professional enterprise. The reason for the need of all marketing communication having a corporate logo is that this is the thing that will be handed over to the public as an advertisement. You hand out business cards for potential clients for them to remember you and your company, there will be incidents wherein you have to send letters to different companies. If you send these letters through letters using letterheads with your company logo, the recipient company will remember you better for future correspondence and dealings. Therefore, it can be seen that to enhance the corporate identity, the brand has to be enhanced or built. We do this through marketing strategies, thus incorporating that corporate identity is a very powerful communication-branding tool.
Knitwear exports growth to Japan 300pc
Japan is turning out to be a lucrative market for exports of knitwear and terry towels from Bangladesh. The demand for terry towels is mainly coming from service sectors of Japan like hotels, restaurants and hospitals and those for knitwear from retailers and apparel importers.China is the biggest exporter of textiles and clothing to Japan, with an insurmountable market share of almost 80 percent. In the last few months in a bid to cut reliance on their Chinese suppliers, the Japanese have started looking towards Bangladeshi textile and apparel suppliers.
Knitwear producers have been in for bounties in the first four months of the current fiscal year beginning from July and according to Fazlul Hoque, Former President, Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturer Exporters Association (BKMEA), shipments from the sector grew by 40 percent in
the first four months of current fiscal and those to Japan shot up exponentially by 300 percent in the last one year.
Speaking about the export potential to Japan, Hoque, told fibre2fashion, “Japan is lucrative not only for towels but for all sorts of knitwear and woven garments as well. Japan is a very big and potential market for Bangladesh.
“Until 2009 Japan has been sourcing almost 80 percent of their textile and apparel imports from China. But since last year they started to feel that, China is becoming more expensive and full dependency on one country is becoming somehow dangerous for them, so they started to move towards other countries, a policy which they termed as ‘China Plus One’.
“Incidentally at the same time BKMEA brought a big delegation to Japan in July 2009 and met with apparel business leaders and all big apparel buyers during the visit. BKMEA sent another delegation in September 2009 to invite Japanese businessmen to attend Knit Expo-2009 which was scheduled to be held at in Dhaka in November 2009 under the auspices of BKMEA.
“Almost 60 apparel buyers from Japan took part in the show and they were amazed to see the quality of our products which in fact gave a big boost to overall export performance of apparel to Japan. Afterwards Japanese companies continued to visit Bangladesh and even in the last week, one big Japanese buyer visited Bangladesh to source knitwear & towels from Bangladesh.
“Knitwear recorded 300% growth in Japan market in last one year and I think this trend will not only continue, rather it can be increased in coming months as Japanese are now quite aware and satisfied with our products in all respects, which was missing before”, he concluded by saying.
Informing about the current situation in Bangladesh, he said, “Despite having some odds like shortage of gas/electricity and recent sharp rise in cotton yarn prices, Bangladesh knitwear sector performed very well and in the last four months, knitwear exports have grown by more than 40 percent, which is simply fantastic. Although some of the smaller units are facing problems due to record-high yarn prices, but overall export growth and future export trends are also very bright and prospective”.
Knitwear producers have been in for bounties in the first four months of the current fiscal year beginning from July and according to Fazlul Hoque, Former President, Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturer Exporters Association (BKMEA), shipments from the sector grew by 40 percent in
the first four months of current fiscal and those to Japan shot up exponentially by 300 percent in the last one year.
Speaking about the export potential to Japan, Hoque, told fibre2fashion, “Japan is lucrative not only for towels but for all sorts of knitwear and woven garments as well. Japan is a very big and potential market for Bangladesh.
“Until 2009 Japan has been sourcing almost 80 percent of their textile and apparel imports from China. But since last year they started to feel that, China is becoming more expensive and full dependency on one country is becoming somehow dangerous for them, so they started to move towards other countries, a policy which they termed as ‘China Plus One’.
“Incidentally at the same time BKMEA brought a big delegation to Japan in July 2009 and met with apparel business leaders and all big apparel buyers during the visit. BKMEA sent another delegation in September 2009 to invite Japanese businessmen to attend Knit Expo-2009 which was scheduled to be held at in Dhaka in November 2009 under the auspices of BKMEA.
“Almost 60 apparel buyers from Japan took part in the show and they were amazed to see the quality of our products which in fact gave a big boost to overall export performance of apparel to Japan. Afterwards Japanese companies continued to visit Bangladesh and even in the last week, one big Japanese buyer visited Bangladesh to source knitwear & towels from Bangladesh.
“Knitwear recorded 300% growth in Japan market in last one year and I think this trend will not only continue, rather it can be increased in coming months as Japanese are now quite aware and satisfied with our products in all respects, which was missing before”, he concluded by saying.
Informing about the current situation in Bangladesh, he said, “Despite having some odds like shortage of gas/electricity and recent sharp rise in cotton yarn prices, Bangladesh knitwear sector performed very well and in the last four months, knitwear exports have grown by more than 40 percent, which is simply fantastic. Although some of the smaller units are facing problems due to record-high yarn prices, but overall export growth and future export trends are also very bright and prospective”.
{ Tine K Home 2011 - Spring feeling }
We have to wait a couple of months before Tine K´s spring collection is available in the stores, but they have published this picture so we can get an idea of what we can expect. I love the delicate and soft colors! What do you think of the few items and colors that you see here from their spring collection? I can´t wait - I want it NOW!Image: Tine K
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
{ 5 ideas for the wall }
Empty white walls can sometimes seem difficult to decorate. What can we possibly fill our walls with except for paintings and prints? Since I´m moving into a new apartment now, I have given this some thought and found 5 ideas that I hope you find useful...I can feel that I am both excited and dreaded to move into a new apartment. Moving into an empty and white apartment often makes it difficult
True Story...
The car really did get a flat tire. One of my favorite unplanned moments from a wedding this year. (source)
wine basket
It's beautiful wine basket for ville saint Laurent in Montreal QC Quebec Canada flowers delivery
Nya tapeter för barnrummet
Nya tapetkollektionen Hide & Seek med bl a en en hel bokstavsvägg, en tapet som barn själv kan fylla i med sina färger och den så trendiga bokhylletapeten fast i barnversion. Kul nyheter från Mr Perswall.Fun wallpapers for the childrens room from Mr Perswall.
Maggie Sottero - Blaire
view original advert on The DressmarketOne-piece, slim line gown with plunging neckline and button/loop over zipper closure. This Grecian silhouette features a sexy, plunging neckline with glamorous emerald-cut jewels adorning the empire waist and shoulder straps. A draped panel overlay falls from the empire waist and asymmetrically cascades over the underskirt.
Monday, January 3, 2011
{ A touch of pink }
What color do you decorate with now that you have removed your Christmas decorations?I find it hard to choose which colors I want in the living room, and I usually go with a white and grey base, as it makes it easier for me to add some color. I saw these pictures over at Stadshem, and liked the idea of using pink and purple together like this. I´m not sure my fiancé likes it as much as me though
Färgsprakande vitaminer
Det här är väl en välbehövlig vitamininjektion! Amy Butlers nya inspirationsbilder. Jag känner att det är precis vad jag behöver idag, en riktig vitaminkick för att känna att det finns en vår inte allt för långt borta.God fortsättning på det nya året!Today this is just what I need, a colour injection. Feels like vitamins to see Amy Butlers new inspiration images.Bilder Amy Butler, via Design- och
D'arcy Scott - Beatrice
view original advert on The DressmarketBeautiful strapless D'arcy Scott ivory Wedding Dress. It is an elegant dress with just the right amount of diamante detail to sparkle and a lovely delicate silk flower that sits on the left hip. I
{ Knitting a pillow }
I got inspired by all you creative knitters out there, so this Christmas I´ve knitted a pillow cover for our new apartment. I bought myself some huge knitting needles in bamboo and some thick grey yarn.I haven´t finished it yet, so this is just a peek of how the pillow looks like. This is the first time I have used this technique, so I have to say that I´m very happy with the result so far.If you
Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's Here! The Top 100 Wedding Blogs of 2011!
If you're a planning bride or groom, get ready for wedding inspiration overload! BrideTide is excited to announce their Top 100 Wedding Blogs of 2011! Congratulations to all those that have been recognized!See entire list of wedding blogs here!
Kate Sherford - Eva-Rose
view original advert on The DressmarketEva Rose with shrug jacket by Kate Sherford. Normally this gown retails around £2000 but as an ex-sample, this is £499. The dress is in good condition however there are some marks on the train so it needs to be drycleaned. The detail is beautiful with delicate sparkle throughout.
{ Bloomingville Spring/Summer 2011 }
I always get happy when I see a new collection from Bloomingville. Their products are always delightful, and so are their photos.Let me present Bloomingville Spring/Summer 2011!As you can see they have a lot of pastels, driftwood, baskets and industrial look in their new collection. I think it looks great when you mix them all together. Their style is very feminine and delicate.What do you think
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Light Up The New Year with Fire and Ice!!
Happy New Year!! We will be outdoors tonight enjoying some fireworks on New Year's Eve. We will be watching them from a dear friend's beautiful outdoor patio. I was trying to come up with a wonderful hostess gift and decided to make some Ice Sculpture Luminaries. I have always been fascinated by the the combination of Fire and Ice. I love the warm ambiance it creates. Of course they can be made
Glen Raven set to open Asian headquarters
Glen Raven Inc. will hold a grand opening for its Asian headquarters in Suzhou, China, on Thursday.Burlington-based Glen Raven said the 190,000-square-foot facility near Shanghai will include product development, marketing, sourcing and manufacturing for Glen Raven's activities in China and throughout Asia.
The facility, which will employ more than 300 people, includes a manufacturing operation that will allow the company to manufacture and distribute its Sunbrella brand fabrics to furniture makers in China.The facility will also support Glen Raven Technical Fabrics, a subsidiary of the company that markets textiles to the automotive, military and other markets.
"China and the Asia-Pacific Rim are vitally important markets for Glen Raven and for our customers," Allen E. Gant Jr., president of Glen Raven, said in a news release. "With this base of operations in China, we will be well positioned to assist our clients with their global sourcing needs, while we also develop, manufacture, market and distribute our own brands throughout Asia."
Hua Li will be general manager of Glen Raven Asia.
The facility, which will employ more than 300 people, includes a manufacturing operation that will allow the company to manufacture and distribute its Sunbrella brand fabrics to furniture makers in China.The facility will also support Glen Raven Technical Fabrics, a subsidiary of the company that markets textiles to the automotive, military and other markets.
"China and the Asia-Pacific Rim are vitally important markets for Glen Raven and for our customers," Allen E. Gant Jr., president of Glen Raven, said in a news release. "With this base of operations in China, we will be well positioned to assist our clients with their global sourcing needs, while we also develop, manufacture, market and distribute our own brands throughout Asia."
Hua Li will be general manager of Glen Raven Asia.
{ Bathroom details }
Do you think about the details in your bathroom? I have to admit that this is a room I often forget, even here on my blog. But today I found these wonderful products on the website Bolina that I thought I could share with you. I love the natural look of these products.Do you buy special soaps or other details that makes your bathroom prettier?The Norwegian store "Bolina" has a lot of other
Export of RMG products expanding to more overseas destinations
Exports of Bangladesh’s readymade garment (RMG) products are gradually expanding to China, Japan and Latin American countries in recent days. So far, the US and the EU were the main buyers of local apparel items. RMG manufacturers tried hard to explore more export destinations with diversification of their products and were able to find some prospective markets in Asia and Latin America.
China, the world’s largest apparel supplier, has become a major export destination for Bangladesh as Chinese manufacturers are now reluctant to produce basic RMG items. The Chinese manufacturers have recently shifted from basic readymade garment (RMG) items to high-end apparels. A significant number of garment factories that made basic RMG products earlier faced closure in China recently. As such, Bangladesh and other competing countries are now exporting RMG products to China.
According to Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Bangladesh exported knitwear products to China worth $3.071 million in fiscal 2007-08 against $0.76 million in the previous fiscal year, posting a staggering 400 percent growth. In fiscal 2007-08 the country exported woven garments to China worth $6.691 million against $6.323 million in fiscal 2006-07. The total export to China from Bangladesh amounted to $106.946 million against the import of around $3.0 billion in fiscal 2007-08.
In 2007, Bangladesh exported cotton T-shirts, singlets and other vests worth $0.79 million against $0.57 million in 2006. China imported such kind of apparel items worth $976.890 million in 2007 and $926.330 million in 2006 from the rest of the world. It clearly shows that China itself imports apparel items of a significant amount. Aggressive marketing drive by Bangladesh can grab a chunk of such import of China, experts say.
Currently Bangladesh enjoys duty concession on exports of 757 products to Chinese market under Asia Pacific Trade Agreement. Of the 757 products, 22 knitwear items and almost the same amount of woven items are included in the concession category. As a result, the export of knitwear and woven products is getting a steady rise to China.
Bangladeshi exporters are also looking to the Japanese market as the hottest new export destination. Apparel exports to Japan started to pick up after the Japanese government announced the China+1 strategy in 2008. Japan is eager to reduce its dependence on China, the largest supplier of apparel items globally. The China+1 policy promote shifting production from China to other nations, such as Bangladesh. Being a member of the least developed countries’ group, Bangladesh has duty-free access to Japan for woven product (under the generalised system of preferences, or GSP). Knitwear faces a duty of 17 percent, as Japan clings to its aging knitwear industry.
The Japanese government has recently invited the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) leaders to discuss about duty-free access for knitwear. Earlier, the association leaders had asked Japan to relax rules-of-origin for knitwear items. If Japan allows duty-free knitwear, it will be a great opportunity for Bangladesh. In fact, Dhaka’s decision last year inspired exporters with a cash incentive of 5.0 percent of each apparel shipped to Japan. Manufacturers need separate production lines for the Japanese customers, as they never compromise on quality. On the other hand, Japanese buyers can afford to pay for high quality.
Garment exports to Japan maintained roughly a 175 percent growth rate in between 2008-10, according to the EPB. Even with the duty, Bangladesh registered a 231 percent rise in knitwear exports to $60 million in the first 10 months of the past fiscal year; and earned $90 million from woven garment exports — 121 percent growth over the same period a year earlier.
The Japanese textile and clothing investors are also coming to Bangladesh. Big entrepreneurs like Maruhisa, Yokohama Tape TM Textiles etc. have decided to invest a significant amount of money here. Three related companies — NI Teijin, CHORI and FVG — have opened liaison offices in Dhaka, and two companies opened quality-control inspection centres (PQC and K2) to meet Japanese national standards.
Meanwhile, a Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) delegation visited some Latin American countries to assess, explore and prepare for current and future potential of Bangladesh’s garment exports. During the visit, tremendous responses were received from importers and buyers of those countries. Rough reckoning says Bangladesh can fetch US$400 million from apparel exports to three Latin American countries in the next three years. These countries are Brazil, Mexico and Chile.
The main obstacle to raising garment exports to Latin America is the absence of Bangladesh missions in those countries. If government missions are opened in the countries, then it would be convenient for Bangladesh exporters to catch market there,textile experts say.
Brazil’s readymade garment import amounted to $ 767.072 million last year, of which $303.631 million knitwear and $463.441 million woven, while Bangladesh’s export to that country was $50.287 million ($ 33.599 million knitwear and $16.688 million woven).
Mexico’s import totalled to $1,947.85 million last year, ($982.58 million knitwear and $965.27 million woven), of which Bangladesh shared $114.01 million ($61.76 million knitwear and $52.25 million). Out of Chile’s total RMG import to the tune of $ 1,074.83 million last year ($517.39 million knitwear and $557.44 million woven) Bangladesh took a part of $7.47 million ($ 5.26 million knitwear and $2.21 million). The Mexican government has agreed to allow any Bangladesh businessman holding a US visa to visit that country. Besides these countries, Bangladesh is eyeing opening new market for RMG export to Russia, Turkey and Colombia.
RMG buying houses, both local and foreign, are now growing rapidly in Bangladesh, as the country has become a lucrative place for RMG outsourcing on the appreciation of Chinese currency against the greenback. As part of their business expansion, foreign buying houses are eying to set up more liaison offices here. The buying houses including M&S, Adidas and Tesco have already published advertisements in newspapers to recruit experienced merchandisers for such liaison offices to collect RMG products at a competitive price from local garment units.
There is no denying that the country’s export witnessed a significant growth during the last two decades due to growing competitive strength of the local exporters, mainly the RMG exporters, against their rivals from countries like India, China, Vietnam and Pakistan. Among other factors, efforts of the private entrepreneurs and the provision of cash incentive played a significant role in export growth. Cash incentives offered by the government also helped to build up many backward linkage industries and generated employment.
The garment industry has now emerged as a prime industrial sector in the country. More than five million people are directly and indirectly employed in the sector. Also, the local apparel industry is facing stiff competition in the world market. There is a need for developing forward linkage industries for sustaining in the competitive markets. Overall situation in the garment sector is much better now. But still, there should be more improvements in the social sector where workers’ living conditions are conspicuously tagged.
China, the world’s largest apparel supplier, has become a major export destination for Bangladesh as Chinese manufacturers are now reluctant to produce basic RMG items. The Chinese manufacturers have recently shifted from basic readymade garment (RMG) items to high-end apparels. A significant number of garment factories that made basic RMG products earlier faced closure in China recently. As such, Bangladesh and other competing countries are now exporting RMG products to China.
According to Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Bangladesh exported knitwear products to China worth $3.071 million in fiscal 2007-08 against $0.76 million in the previous fiscal year, posting a staggering 400 percent growth. In fiscal 2007-08 the country exported woven garments to China worth $6.691 million against $6.323 million in fiscal 2006-07. The total export to China from Bangladesh amounted to $106.946 million against the import of around $3.0 billion in fiscal 2007-08.
In 2007, Bangladesh exported cotton T-shirts, singlets and other vests worth $0.79 million against $0.57 million in 2006. China imported such kind of apparel items worth $976.890 million in 2007 and $926.330 million in 2006 from the rest of the world. It clearly shows that China itself imports apparel items of a significant amount. Aggressive marketing drive by Bangladesh can grab a chunk of such import of China, experts say.
Currently Bangladesh enjoys duty concession on exports of 757 products to Chinese market under Asia Pacific Trade Agreement. Of the 757 products, 22 knitwear items and almost the same amount of woven items are included in the concession category. As a result, the export of knitwear and woven products is getting a steady rise to China.
Bangladeshi exporters are also looking to the Japanese market as the hottest new export destination. Apparel exports to Japan started to pick up after the Japanese government announced the China+1 strategy in 2008. Japan is eager to reduce its dependence on China, the largest supplier of apparel items globally. The China+1 policy promote shifting production from China to other nations, such as Bangladesh. Being a member of the least developed countries’ group, Bangladesh has duty-free access to Japan for woven product (under the generalised system of preferences, or GSP). Knitwear faces a duty of 17 percent, as Japan clings to its aging knitwear industry.
The Japanese government has recently invited the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) leaders to discuss about duty-free access for knitwear. Earlier, the association leaders had asked Japan to relax rules-of-origin for knitwear items. If Japan allows duty-free knitwear, it will be a great opportunity for Bangladesh. In fact, Dhaka’s decision last year inspired exporters with a cash incentive of 5.0 percent of each apparel shipped to Japan. Manufacturers need separate production lines for the Japanese customers, as they never compromise on quality. On the other hand, Japanese buyers can afford to pay for high quality.
Garment exports to Japan maintained roughly a 175 percent growth rate in between 2008-10, according to the EPB. Even with the duty, Bangladesh registered a 231 percent rise in knitwear exports to $60 million in the first 10 months of the past fiscal year; and earned $90 million from woven garment exports — 121 percent growth over the same period a year earlier.
The Japanese textile and clothing investors are also coming to Bangladesh. Big entrepreneurs like Maruhisa, Yokohama Tape TM Textiles etc. have decided to invest a significant amount of money here. Three related companies — NI Teijin, CHORI and FVG — have opened liaison offices in Dhaka, and two companies opened quality-control inspection centres (PQC and K2) to meet Japanese national standards.
Meanwhile, a Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) delegation visited some Latin American countries to assess, explore and prepare for current and future potential of Bangladesh’s garment exports. During the visit, tremendous responses were received from importers and buyers of those countries. Rough reckoning says Bangladesh can fetch US$400 million from apparel exports to three Latin American countries in the next three years. These countries are Brazil, Mexico and Chile.
The main obstacle to raising garment exports to Latin America is the absence of Bangladesh missions in those countries. If government missions are opened in the countries, then it would be convenient for Bangladesh exporters to catch market there,textile experts say.
Brazil’s readymade garment import amounted to $ 767.072 million last year, of which $303.631 million knitwear and $463.441 million woven, while Bangladesh’s export to that country was $50.287 million ($ 33.599 million knitwear and $16.688 million woven).
Mexico’s import totalled to $1,947.85 million last year, ($982.58 million knitwear and $965.27 million woven), of which Bangladesh shared $114.01 million ($61.76 million knitwear and $52.25 million). Out of Chile’s total RMG import to the tune of $ 1,074.83 million last year ($517.39 million knitwear and $557.44 million woven) Bangladesh took a part of $7.47 million ($ 5.26 million knitwear and $2.21 million). The Mexican government has agreed to allow any Bangladesh businessman holding a US visa to visit that country. Besides these countries, Bangladesh is eyeing opening new market for RMG export to Russia, Turkey and Colombia.
RMG buying houses, both local and foreign, are now growing rapidly in Bangladesh, as the country has become a lucrative place for RMG outsourcing on the appreciation of Chinese currency against the greenback. As part of their business expansion, foreign buying houses are eying to set up more liaison offices here. The buying houses including M&S, Adidas and Tesco have already published advertisements in newspapers to recruit experienced merchandisers for such liaison offices to collect RMG products at a competitive price from local garment units.
There is no denying that the country’s export witnessed a significant growth during the last two decades due to growing competitive strength of the local exporters, mainly the RMG exporters, against their rivals from countries like India, China, Vietnam and Pakistan. Among other factors, efforts of the private entrepreneurs and the provision of cash incentive played a significant role in export growth. Cash incentives offered by the government also helped to build up many backward linkage industries and generated employment.
The garment industry has now emerged as a prime industrial sector in the country. More than five million people are directly and indirectly employed in the sector. Also, the local apparel industry is facing stiff competition in the world market. There is a need for developing forward linkage industries for sustaining in the competitive markets. Overall situation in the garment sector is much better now. But still, there should be more improvements in the social sector where workers’ living conditions are conspicuously tagged.
Apparel exports have grown to South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Australia.
Opportunities are widening as globally renowned apparel brands look to source more garments from Bangladesh amid the widening recovery from financial crisis.Some buyers have already shifted to Bangladesh from competing countries, while others are increasing order quantities.
Prices of garments in China, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Vietnam have gone up due to higher production costs. Bangladesh has also diversified its product range and marketing over the last few years.Apparel exports grew by more than 30 percent in the first quarter (July-September) of the current fiscal year, riding on high demand for competitively priced items.
Export Promotion Bureau data shows knit products worth $2.18 billion and woven worth $1.79 billion were exported during the time — 32 percent and 30 percent more than a year earlier.Top German brands Hugo Boss and Adidas are in talks with local apparel-maker Viyellatex Group to buy direct for the first time, in 2011.Michael Otto, chairman of Otto Gmbh and Co KG, said in an interview that the German retail chain is investing 20 million euros (Tk 197 crore) in Dhaka to run a social business that produces garments.
German lifestyle brand s.Oliver moved to a new, bigger Dhaka office last month to strengthen sourcing.Retail giants including Wal-Mart, JC Penny, Zara, Tesco, IKEA, Marks and Spencer, H and M, G-Star Raw, Uniqlo and Li & Fung have also increased quantities purchased from Bangladesh.Spanish retail chain Inditex Group, which manages eight brands (Zara, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home and Uterqüe), also plans to expand sourcing.
Apparel exports to Japan, a newer market, started picking up after 2008, when Tokyo announced the China+1 strategyto shift sourcing focussed on China to other nations, such as Bangladesh.Fast Retailing Company Ltd, which owns Japan’s casual-clothing chain Uniqlo, signed a $100,000 deal with Grameen Bank Group on July 13 to produce garments at the group’s factories. Uniqlo opened a liaison office in Dhaka in 2008.
Other Japanese companies, including Maruhisa, Yokohama Tape, TM Textiles, NI Teijin, CHORI, FVG and Onward Holdings Co, also began doing business in Bangladesh.Apparel exports have grown to South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Australia.
“It’ll not be difficult to double export earnings from apparels as international buyers are coming at such a higher rate,” said Abdus Salam Murshedy, president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association.But success hinges on a smooth supply of gas and power to the factories and relieving congestion at the Chittagong Port, he said.
Mohammad Hatem, vice-president of Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association, said apparel-makers have the capacity to cater to additional orders, but the power crisis, and high cotton prices hold them back.Economist Wahiduddin Mahmud said the sector has shown resilience in the face of global recession.
“While some effect of the recession was felt belatedly in early 2010, the industry seems to have emerged from it even stronger and more competitive in the global market,” he said.“In fact, the main reason why Bangladesh’s garment export has been able to withstand the recession is its ability to capture higher shares of the US and European Union markets at a time when the total volume of garment trade has contracted.”
“The future looks even more promising, as China may increasingly lose its competitive edge in garment export due to its rising wage costs and a possible revaluation of its currency,” said Mahmud, a former caretaker government adviser.
“Among our garment entrepreneurs, those who are smart enough may now be able to exercise some bargaining power in price negotiations as well,” he added. “True, Bangladesh is known as a low-cost supplier of garments. But the low average unit price of exported garment is mainly due to the kind of basic apparel items that we export. For similar kinds of items, our exports fetch similar or sometimes even higher prices compared to those from, say, Vietnam or Pakistan.
“Yet our garment industry faces formidable challenges. Its competitiveness is mainly derived from low wages, which also remains a potential source of labour unrest, even with newly announced minimum wage rates. There are large variations across the garment factories in productivity and managerial efficiency. Improved productivity needs to be translated into better labour conditions. To stay competitive while maintaining sound labour relations will require a restructuring of the industry. That process will not be painless,” the economist said.
If the country wants to move up the value chain in global trade, a skilled labour force and better management are required. “That will also make it possible to raise wage rates as labour productivity increases,” he said.
The more immediate challenges are improving the efficiency of Chittagong Port and ensuring energy supplies, he added.
Prices of garments in China, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Vietnam have gone up due to higher production costs. Bangladesh has also diversified its product range and marketing over the last few years.Apparel exports grew by more than 30 percent in the first quarter (July-September) of the current fiscal year, riding on high demand for competitively priced items.
Export Promotion Bureau data shows knit products worth $2.18 billion and woven worth $1.79 billion were exported during the time — 32 percent and 30 percent more than a year earlier.Top German brands Hugo Boss and Adidas are in talks with local apparel-maker Viyellatex Group to buy direct for the first time, in 2011.Michael Otto, chairman of Otto Gmbh and Co KG, said in an interview that the German retail chain is investing 20 million euros (Tk 197 crore) in Dhaka to run a social business that produces garments.
German lifestyle brand s.Oliver moved to a new, bigger Dhaka office last month to strengthen sourcing.Retail giants including Wal-Mart, JC Penny, Zara, Tesco, IKEA, Marks and Spencer, H and M, G-Star Raw, Uniqlo and Li & Fung have also increased quantities purchased from Bangladesh.Spanish retail chain Inditex Group, which manages eight brands (Zara, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home and Uterqüe), also plans to expand sourcing.
Apparel exports to Japan, a newer market, started picking up after 2008, when Tokyo announced the China+1 strategyto shift sourcing focussed on China to other nations, such as Bangladesh.Fast Retailing Company Ltd, which owns Japan’s casual-clothing chain Uniqlo, signed a $100,000 deal with Grameen Bank Group on July 13 to produce garments at the group’s factories. Uniqlo opened a liaison office in Dhaka in 2008.
Other Japanese companies, including Maruhisa, Yokohama Tape, TM Textiles, NI Teijin, CHORI, FVG and Onward Holdings Co, also began doing business in Bangladesh.Apparel exports have grown to South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Australia.
“It’ll not be difficult to double export earnings from apparels as international buyers are coming at such a higher rate,” said Abdus Salam Murshedy, president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association.But success hinges on a smooth supply of gas and power to the factories and relieving congestion at the Chittagong Port, he said.
Mohammad Hatem, vice-president of Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association, said apparel-makers have the capacity to cater to additional orders, but the power crisis, and high cotton prices hold them back.Economist Wahiduddin Mahmud said the sector has shown resilience in the face of global recession.
“While some effect of the recession was felt belatedly in early 2010, the industry seems to have emerged from it even stronger and more competitive in the global market,” he said.“In fact, the main reason why Bangladesh’s garment export has been able to withstand the recession is its ability to capture higher shares of the US and European Union markets at a time when the total volume of garment trade has contracted.”
“The future looks even more promising, as China may increasingly lose its competitive edge in garment export due to its rising wage costs and a possible revaluation of its currency,” said Mahmud, a former caretaker government adviser.
“Among our garment entrepreneurs, those who are smart enough may now be able to exercise some bargaining power in price negotiations as well,” he added. “True, Bangladesh is known as a low-cost supplier of garments. But the low average unit price of exported garment is mainly due to the kind of basic apparel items that we export. For similar kinds of items, our exports fetch similar or sometimes even higher prices compared to those from, say, Vietnam or Pakistan.
“Yet our garment industry faces formidable challenges. Its competitiveness is mainly derived from low wages, which also remains a potential source of labour unrest, even with newly announced minimum wage rates. There are large variations across the garment factories in productivity and managerial efficiency. Improved productivity needs to be translated into better labour conditions. To stay competitive while maintaining sound labour relations will require a restructuring of the industry. That process will not be painless,” the economist said.
If the country wants to move up the value chain in global trade, a skilled labour force and better management are required. “That will also make it possible to raise wage rates as labour productivity increases,” he said.
The more immediate challenges are improving the efficiency of Chittagong Port and ensuring energy supplies, he added.
Suzanne Neville - Belle Epoque
view original advert on The DressmarketThis elegant dress is made from duchess satin. The bodice is fully boned with buttons at the back and an A-line skirt. For dancing the bustle can be detached and the back of the skirt tied up using ribbon sewn inside the back of the dress.
BD 3rd largest exporter of apparel, clothing accessories to USA
Bangladesh's export of apparel and clothing accessories to the US market has overtaken that of its competitors Indonesia and Mexico in the recent months.
Until August 2010, Bangladesh was the 5th largest apparel exporter to the USA after China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico. But in the month of September 2010, Bangladesh with its monthly exports of $358 million overtook Mexico, which exported $325 million to US market. On October, 2010 Bangladesh overtook another competitor Indonesia - $374 million from Bangladesh compared to $365 million form Indonesia.
Now only China and Vietnam lie ahead of Bangladesh as far as RMG export to USA is concerned, said a message received here.
According to the analysis of the Commerce Wing of Bangladesh Embassy in Washington DC, Bangladesh exported about $1.44 billion worth of RMG products to USA during July-October, 2010 period, registering growth of 20.37 percent compared to the same period of previous year. Comparable growth rate of China was 21.15 percent, Vietnam was 17.26 percent, Indonesia was 16.17 percent and Mexico was 3.495 percent and India was 13.25 percent.
If the same trend of export is continued, Bangladesh can hopefully overtake Vietnam in future. But in doing so, concerted efforts from all stakeholders and avoiding labour related problems in the RMG sector would be needed.
Until August 2010, Bangladesh was the 5th largest apparel exporter to the USA after China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico. But in the month of September 2010, Bangladesh with its monthly exports of $358 million overtook Mexico, which exported $325 million to US market. On October, 2010 Bangladesh overtook another competitor Indonesia - $374 million from Bangladesh compared to $365 million form Indonesia.
Now only China and Vietnam lie ahead of Bangladesh as far as RMG export to USA is concerned, said a message received here.
According to the analysis of the Commerce Wing of Bangladesh Embassy in Washington DC, Bangladesh exported about $1.44 billion worth of RMG products to USA during July-October, 2010 period, registering growth of 20.37 percent compared to the same period of previous year. Comparable growth rate of China was 21.15 percent, Vietnam was 17.26 percent, Indonesia was 16.17 percent and Mexico was 3.495 percent and India was 13.25 percent.
If the same trend of export is continued, Bangladesh can hopefully overtake Vietnam in future. But in doing so, concerted efforts from all stakeholders and avoiding labour related problems in the RMG sector would be needed.
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