Tuesday, November 30, 2010
{ A kitchen to love! }
I'm always fascinated by gorgeous kitchens, and this kitchen is one of them! I have a thing for old wooden floors against a clean, simple white kitchen like this. How cool isn't those pendant lamps hanging over the kitchen counter?Gorgeous white!I like how the black shelves make a great contrast against all the white. The same with the chairs underneath - lovely!What color do you prefer to have
Utebelysning blir snyggast i enkelhet
Har inte hunnit få upp min utebelysning än, alltid dilemmat, hur ska man hinna. Men å andra sidan är det väl egentligen ingen stress, det är bara jag själv som gärna vill se det lysa i snön. Snart så. Men det får inte vara för mycket - det enkla är alltid snyggast!I haven't had the time yet, but soon I will, to put up light in my garden. It looks so nice when its dark outside and now when its
Alfred Angelo - 796
view original advertBeautiful ivory wedding dress, the bodice and the back of this dress have stunning bead and sequin detail
{ Advent calendar }
Tomorrow is the 1st of December and many of you are probably going to make a advent calendar for your children or somebody else you care about. I'm not making a calendar myself this year, but I would like to show you these four calendar ideas for inspiration, because they are really cute. Are you going to have a calendar this year? Have you made one/bought one yet?Enjoy your last day of November!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Årets perenn och trädgårdens trender 2011
Jag och Linda har varit på pressvisning arrangerad av Blomsterfrämjandet och Perenna Gruppen och fick reda på att Blomsterfunkia (Hosta furtunei) är årets perenn 2011. Kul tycker jag, för just funkia är en av mina favoriter, har trädgården full av denna stora och maffiga växt som har den stora fördelen av att trivas i skugga. Dessutom täcker den marken snabbt vilket jag gillar. Dessutom
Engagement season is just around the corner......Call and book your consultation with TAD AKERS Event Facility to discuss your personalized selections for your future wedding and/or reception.Voted Bride's Choice Award in 2010! Look for us at the Bridal Extravaganza in January at George R Brown Convention Center.Ask about our latest booking "Incentive".281*338*9090
Julian and Adam - Anita
view original advert
DIY - pysseltips - isdekorationer
Nu är det till och med så kallt i Skåne att man kan försöka sig på att göra ljuslyktor av is. Ett väldigt enkelt pyssel där det bara behövs två bunkar i olika storlekar och några grenar lärk eller kanske rentav något bär om man vill få det juligt rött. Se hur man gör här! If you have the right weather outside you can do this very easy ice candle. Take a look how - here!I ett inlägg för flera år
{ DIY: Pinecone candle holder }
Hello everybody! Let's start this week with something creative. Last week I promised you that I would show you some other ways to decorate with pinecones, and this candle holder is one of them...I glued pinecones on some cardboard with a glue gun, and within few minutes I had a new candle holder for Christmas.I actually used the back of a Starbucks sleeve that I had, so don't be afraid to use
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Första Advent
I kväll blir det lite adventsmys med glögg framför brasan. Ska testa den nya saffransglöggen från Blossa, kul att prova något nytt. Jag har tagit fram mina glöggmuggar som jag gillar skarpt, de är några år gamla men har text på insidan där det står 'gnister, kardemumma, rimfrost, äpplen...'.In Sweden we celebrate four Sundays before Christmas like a countdown and today is the first Sunday. We
Hiss och diss - julpynt
Idag är det första advent och jag ska både tända första ljuset och hänga upp mina julstjärnor i fönsterna. Passar på att haka på Lindas och Jannices hiss eller diss av julpynt. Jag älskar nämligen stjärnformen och har alltid vita stjärnor i fönsterna. Så hos mig är det en riktig hiss, men däremot......hatar jag elljusstakar. Har alltid förundrats över att hela Sverige förändras över en natt till
Sincerity - 3542
view original advertThis is such a beautiful light dress. Only worn once! The halter strap can be removed for a slightly different look later in the day.
{ Christmas collection: Nyblom o Kollén }
There are a lot of colors to choose from when it comes to Christmas decoration, and I guess we all have our favorites. Nyblom o Kollén have some very nice Christmas collections this year, and I want to share three of their colors themes here with you. WhiteRed Grey What are your favorite Christmas colors? Do you decorate with the same color every year?Have a sweet Sunday!Images: Nyblom o Kollén /
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Min adventsljusstake
Jag är mycket för att springa och hämta grenar och kvistar från trädgården när jag ska dekorera något. Så min adventsljusstake i år blev ett hopplock vad jag kunde hitta både ute och inne - betongfat, blocklljus, siffror som man trycker på och granskvistar och rosennypon från trädgården. Siffrorna köpte jag i blomsteraffären. Ett alternativ om man vill göra den lite mindre julig och mer
Essence - Ella 5242 CR
view original advertThe bodice is embroided with soft gathers under the bust. The left side of dress has embroidery and glass mirrored beads flowing down it. The back is a corset laced style with hook to tie train up. The train embroided dedicatedly at bottom in same manner as bodice and side panel. Straps are optional,they are beautifully embroided with lace insert to match dress,
{ Our Thanksgiving table }
Hello everybody! How is your weekend so far? I have a cold going these days that I can't seem to get rid of, but I hope I'll get better soon. I promised you that I would show you some pictures from our Thanksgiving dinner that we had on Thursday, and here they are... We were invited to some friends that live in a beautiful house here in LA. I helped my friend Sarah with the cooking, so now I know
Friday, November 26, 2010
Pasang Iklan :Banner berdimensi 475 x 60 pixel ( Mini Banner dipasang di Top/Atas/Header )Banner berdimensi 125 x 125 pixel ( Mini Banner dipasang di sebelah body kiri )Banner berdimensi 950 x 135 pixel ( dipasang di bagian bawah /footer )Format file JPG/JPEG atau GIF Animasi.Biaya Pemasangan Iklan Mini Banner :Banner berdimensi 125 x 125 pixel ( Mini Banner dipasang di sebelah kiri ) = Rp.
Pasang Iklan :Banner berdimensi 475 x 60 pixel ( Mini Banner dipasang di Top/Atas/Header )Banner berdimensi 125 x 125 pixel ( Mini Banner dipasang di sebelah body kiri )Banner berdimensi 950 x 135 pixel ( dipasang di bagian bawah /footer )Format file JPG/JPEG atau GIF Animasi.Biaya Pemasangan Iklan Mini Banner :Banner berdimensi 125 x 125 pixel ( Mini Banner dipasang di sebelah kiri ) = Rp.
Guld och vitt
När man tänker på guld är det lätt att man bara ser det putsade, glittriga och skinande guldet framför sig men det kan ju egentligen vara all sorts gulmetall. Allt från mässing till koppar och brons. Det kan mycket väl vara lite oputsat och rufft och det blir riktigt snyggt till vitt och lite enkla lätt slitna detaljer. Lägg märke till grenen av lärk, så fin att ta in med sina kottar och
{ Tips: A Christmas silverplate }
I use my silver plate all year around for table decorations, just changing the look of it every now and then. And even though I know it's not December yet, I just couldn't wait any longer! I had to make a Christmas theme on my silver plate, and I think it's so nice to finally get some Christmas decorations in our apartment. As you can see in the background, I have also decorated my ladder with a
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Inspiration
I'll be spending the day baking with my children and getting ready for Thanksgiving. My entire extended family is coming to my house so I want everything to taste amazing and look perfect (just a little personal stress!) I thought I would share with you a few inspirational Thanksgiving table photos I have been saving, to help you with your Thanksgiving tablescape. Martha Stewart steals my heart
Rena helyllelyckan
Nu är det en risk för att det blir den ena helyllelyckan efter den andra som visas. Det kan ju bli lite stressande att allt ska vara så perfekt när det är jul men så får man inte se det. Precis som allt annat här på bloggen så gäller det att låta sig inspireras om man vill och har tid och känner för och kanske får man en idé som man kan ta åt sig. Som t ex den söta lilla kransen med äpplen om man
{ Happy Thanksgiving! }
Today it's Thanksgiving here in the US! It's actually the first time I'm going to celebrate it and I am very excited! My dear friend Sarah and I are going to make dinner together and I'm in charge of the table setting as well. Hopefully I will get some good pictures taken so I can share our dinner with you. Thanksgiving is probably the most important holiday for most Americans. It's a long
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Julkänslan är på topp
Idag har jag faktiskt riktig julkänsla här hemma, tror det beror på att det ligger snö utanför fönstret. Otroligt nog, tror knappt mina ögon. Men idag är det exakt en månad kvar till jul och jag tycker det är nu det är som roligast, innan man hunnit tröttna totalt. Så därför blir det lite julinslag och jultips framöver. Jag kommer nog själv att köra en ganska enkel stil hemma, med vita kulor och
SAVE $15 today on your Thanksgiving Centerpiece. Haute Flowers & Finds will be open until 1 PM for you to drop by and pick up one of these beautiful fall flower arrangements with candles included for you and your family to enjoy tomorrow. This piece will last for DAYS!281-332-1518. We are located in League City at 826 W Main. This is also available for a wire out order for out-of-town family.
Calvin Klein Home
Via Linda på Living Like Linda fick jag reda på att Calvin Klein även har en hem sektion med möbler och inredning. Kul, jag har alltid gillat deras sparsmakade design och som Linda skriver det är verkligen 'Less is More' som gäller.I had no idea that Calvin Klein also have a Home section for furniture. Thanks to Linda, at the blog Living Like Linda, I found these wonderful images were 'less is
{ An apartment with an attitude! }
Hello everybody! How are you?Today I have to share this festive apartment with tons of ideas to steal!Notice the:♡ Marimekko towels.♡ The lovely kitchen.♡ Cosy fireplace.♡ The coffee table looks like concrete - very cool!♡ The Eames DSW dining chairs are of course gorgeous. ♡ Nice, long dining table. ♡ Great contrasts between the white walls and the dark beams.♡ Love the beams! ♡ Imagine sitting
dining area,
living room,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Is This The Worst Wedding Guest Ever?
Warning: This video does contain some profanity, so please don't watch if you are easily offended.Holy wow! This guy is off the chain! Imagine if one of your guests did this at your wedding reception!
Måste bara slänga in de här bilderna på en härlig blå färg tillsammans med allt det neutrala. Riktigt snyggt med en accentfärg ibland.Ni vet väl att det går att prenumerera på mina inlägg via Bloglovin, klicka för att ni vill få besked via mail så får ni ett mail varje gång jag lägger in något nytt. Sometimes its really beautiful with a splash of colors together with all the neutrals. Images
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving from the TAD AKERS and Haute Flowers & Finds staff! We all have seen many challenges over the past year with jobs, families, and just daily "life". Yet we must be reminded to find the joys and triumphs of the many blessings that sometimes slip away amongst the daily routine of just being "busy". May you and your loved ones be blessed the remainder of this year and in 2011!
Råa detaljer i järn
Man behöver inte bo i en ruff industrilokal för att det ska bli rätt med industridetaljer. Även lite 'snyggare' miljöer får en helt ny stil med lite rått järn.Add a few industrial details and the look will be totally different.Bilder Vt Wonen
{ Christmas mood board }
On Friday I was a guest blogger on the lovely blog Heart Handmade. Claire wanted me to share some ideas on how I make my mood boards, so I gave a few tips. I want to share them with you as well, so here is my Christmas mood board and some few tips on how you can make your own...There are no rules of course on how you can make a mood board. Many prefer to have them on the wall where they collect
Monday, November 22, 2010
Hos Room by Sofie
För en tid sedan flyttade Sofie från bloggen Room by Sofie till vårt grannland Danmark. Från en gammal 20-tals villa i Lund till ett nytt modernt hus med massor av glas. En annorlunda utmaning som hon skriver själv på sin blogg. Så här snyggt har det blivit!Sofie from the blog Room by Sofie moved to Denmark a while ago. Her new house is really different from the old one, its light and modern with
Betong i annorlunda mix
För en betongtokig som mig själv är det alltid kul att se när man kombinerar ihop betongen med något oväntat som här med kristallkronor, luddiga mattor och takbjälkar i trä. Betong är ett festligt material för man får så olika resultat beroende på vad man mixar det med. Gillar också 60-tals känslan med den långa låga soffan. Men.. vem har låtit elektrikern gå loss på väggarna med metallrör...Love
{ Christmas from Bloomingville }
Bloomingville is a brand that always has a lot of beautiful decoration, and the same goes for their Christmas collection...Which colors are you going to decorate with this Christmas?Wish you all lovely start of the week.Images: Bloomingville / Collage by me.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Flower Delivery
From conveying affection, love or worship or admiration to wishing someone well, flowers have played a highly meaningful role in expressing true sentiments. When words fail, lips are tight or you cannot be near the loved one to express your emotions - even then flowers say it all for you. And because of this, many choose flower delivery san francisco as the best medium to extend their true
The Royal Wedding Will Show In 3D Theaters?
It is being reported (ie: rumored) that the Royal Wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William may be broadcast in 3D at theaters. Wow, just wow.Read the entire article...
Myssöndag med tända ljus..
vad annat kan man göra än att sitta inne och mysa med familjen en sådan här kall, mörk och grå söndag.A cold, dark sunday with nothing better to do than cozy things up with candles and the family around.Bilder Purple Area(Buddha från Lödde Plantskola, träljusstakar Zebra/Helsingborg, cylindervas Butiken/Höganäs)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Surroundings Holiday E-Magazine & Saturday's Marketplace
(Photo by Michael J Lee Photography via Surroundings)Check out Linda Merrill's Surrounding's E- Magazine this weekend when you have a few moments of quiet time. Stunning images, gift ideas and great holiday tips from many top designers and bloggers, including one from Willow Decor! (was that little old me on page 7??)Click HERE or on the photo 'Relax and enjoy some Holiday design inspiration
Mer från Bloomingville...
Kul också att se att man den här gången tagit med lite bilder från ägarens egna hem. Verkar ligga en trend i det här att bli lite mer personlig i sin marknadsföring och visa upp hur man själv bor (se tidigare inlägg om Malene Birger, Tine K). Så här ser Bettina Boeghs vackra hem ut.More from Bloomingvilles new catalogue... fun to see that there are images from the owner Bettina Boeghs own home.
Bloomingvilles nya vårkatalog
Danska Bloomingville har precis skickat sin nya vårkatalog till tryckeriet för att den ska komma ut i god tid innan nästa år. Kanske känns det lite tidigt att börja tänka på våren men samtidigt är det alltid lite spännande att se vad som kommer. Så här är ett litet sneak peek på deras härliga bilder i deras lite speciella stil med en mix av lantligt, bohemiskt och färgglatt.This is a sneak peek
{ Pinecones and Purple }
Pinecones are perfect for decoration in the wintertime. There are many ways to use them, and here I show you one of them. I have some other ideas that I will share with you later...My Saturday tips: Bring nature into your home to make it more cosy and to prepare for Christmas!Twigs, pinecones, driftwood, moss etc.Get wild! Have you prepared anything for Christmas yet - gifts, decorations? I know
Friday, November 19, 2010
Here's What You're Saying & The "How To"!
(Country Home)I have gotten a tremendous amount of mail on my recent Dutch Doors post. Its seems this charming design element really resonated with all of you. First I heard from Karla at Its the Little Things That Make a House a Home blog. This very talented lady found a wonderful old solid wood door and created her own Dutch Door. Read the "How To" HERE! The photo above is her new Dutch door -
Hey, I just couldn't find T-I-M-E to do this activity which is my beloved but could.t find enough time to remain active in it. Wrote tens of posts but saved them in drafts, those posts laid there for weeks and eventually I had to delete them as they held no significance after another week. Nostalgia at last couldn't keep me away from here for long and I was making a vague promise to myself in
{ DIY: Christmas gift idea #2 }
So how is it going with the Christmas presents? Have you started yet? I thought I would give you a new idea on a gift you can make yourself. If you have scrabble tiles, a frame and some stamps you can easily make something like this.If you don't have stamps and scrabble tiles, you can write a nice quote on your computer in a pretty font. You can see my first Christmas gift idea here. Wish you a
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Snyggt med svart i badrummet
Badrummet är ett av de ställen man faktiskt kan använda svart utan att riskera att det blir alltför mörkt. Såvida man nu har ett ganska nytt badrum med rejält med spottar i taket. Det blir snyggt och lite exklusivt med svart. Lägg märke till det finurliga skåpet som både toalettstolen är fäst vid och som har en smart förvaring ovanför. En lite ovanlig lösning.If you have a new renovated bathroom,
Industrikänsla med tegelvägg
Tegelväggen kommer och går eller har den kanske aldrig försvunnit helt. I vilket fall som helst så finns det nog inget som ger sådan industrikänsla som just en rå tegelvägg. Den populära DSR stolen, som nästan blivit vår nya myran, passar bra in både med tegelväggen och med det svarta bordet. Här kommer färgerna brunt, svart, grått, vitt igen.. vackra neutraler som känns så aktuellt just nu.There
{ 12 lovely white kitchens! }
I'm dreaming of a white, bright and spacious kitchen with an island...A mix of modern, country and the industrial style. A mix of these... How does your dream kitchen look like?Are you happy with the one you have? You can find more inspiration on kitchens here.Happy Thursday!Images: House to Home, Skona Hem og BOLIG Magasinet
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Welcome Back Thru Dutch Doors
(Traditional Home)One of my favorite design elements are Dutch Doors. I love how they make an entryway immediately more casual, warm and fun. I have always imagined my children playing, each on a different side of the door - playing store, lemonade stand or ticket booth. Looking out from a Dutch Door when the top is open is wonderful, as shown above in this fabulous ocean front home from Coastal
Flattrack Giclee
A Flattrack racer coming around the corner. Thinking about printing this large format...
Vilket fantastiskt hus!
Idag måste ni bara kika in på Charlottes blogg Hemmariket och se detta underbara hus från Finland. I'm in love... nu får jag lust att riva ut listerna på golvet och lägga nytt rufft finskt trägolv och sen måste jag ut och hugga lite ved...Today you have to check out Charlottes blog Hemmariket and take a look at this wonderful house from Finland. I just love it..Bilder från Plaza.fi via Hemmariket.
{ 10 poster ideas }
Yesterday I mentioned that posters are a very hot trend these days, so today I would like to give you some ideas on some cool posters that are out there..Inspiring Words for a Growing Child and Oh DeerPersonalised City Coordinate Poster and When Life Dishes you LemonsOh My (deer) and Personalised Family Word ArtMy Coffee and Make Do & MendBathtime and Breakfast in BedDo you see any you like?I
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Brunt, rostigt och ljuv tyll
Det är ganska ofta jag blir inspirerad till en ny inredningsidé av en bild jag fått syn på, det kan vara en modebild eller en bild från en resa eller något helt annat. Hos fotograf James Merrell hittade jag de här bilden och blev lite fascinerad av den råa industrikänslan kontra den ljuva flickan med sin tyllkjol. Det är också en bild med flera olika bruna nyanser, men den känns ganska varm och
{ A home with a cool touch! }
Want to get some cool inspiration? Let's guide us though this fantastic apartment in Sweden, shall we? Let's start with this amazing entrance - what a smashing and welcoming hallway!And what a funny print; "Yellow is the new black" - I love it! Look at this fresh, light and colorful kitchen. A good example on that you can have a colorful room although you have a white kitchen - It's all in the
Monday, November 15, 2010
Dämpat och rustikt
Rustikt trä, grovt linne och lite skamfilade industridetaljer kan bli riktigt fint ihop. Både träet och linnet kommer bäst till sin rätt om man håller sig till en mild och dämpad färgskala.Combinations of rustic wood, industrial details and linen fabrics are lovely together when the color scheme is mild.Bilder Trine Thorsen
{ DIY: 12 Christmas decoration/gift ideas }
Hello friends, hello Monday! How did the weekend treat you? I never went to that canyon that I talked about, but I went Christmas shopping instead - which is so much more fun than working out :) I almost finished all my presents in one weekend! How great is that?Have you started yet? You can actually start right know, because today I have 12 different ideas on Christmas decoration and gifts that
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Latest cycle giclee's
I took some photos from my collection of motorcycle track shooting and created Giclee prints from them. More to come...
What's an Armature?
The dictionary defines armature as : "A framework serving as a supporting core for the material that is used to make a sculpture". With this in mind, florists the world over are using armatures in innovative ways, concocting gravity-defying designs that delight and astound. Europeans are leading the way in armature-style arrangements. But even mom-and-pop florists are jumping on the design wagon
Mitt senaste inköp - Life & Work
Fick för ett tag sedan ett tips av Jannice om modedesignern Malene Birgers nya bok Life & Work. Igår när jag var iväg på en liten shoppingrunda så fick jag syn på den på Olsson & Gerthel och slog till. Det ångar jag inte, vilken fantastisk bok! Det är en riktigt rejäl och stor coffee table book med häftigt inspirerande bilder från Malenes fyra hem och arbetsplats. Man får massor av bra tips på
{ My creative space }
I thought I might show you some pictures of my "workspace" in the dining room. This is where I make most of the DIY (do-it-yourself) projects you see on my blog. I try to get away from my computer sometimes and sit here and do something creative with my hands instead. The ideas usually pops up while I'm sitting here because I get inspired when I see all the craft in front of me. I believe that
Saturday, November 13, 2010
{ Happy Saturday }
How is your weekend so far? Are you doing anything special today? I have no big plans, but I'm thinking of going for a walk in "Runyon Canyon" - I NEED some fresh air!Thank you for all your lovely comments this week - you are such sweethearts!I also want to welcome my new followers. Welcome to Stylizimo blog! I hope you will find inspiration both here and on the community site Stylizimo.com♡
Friday, November 12, 2010
Stephanie Allin - Sonata with Chloe lace
view original advert It is beautiful the detail is gorgeous with small flowers from the lace placed across the skirt.
{ My wishlist from Hviit }
The blog hviit has a challenge where they want us to put together a wishlist for Christmas from their online store. This isn't very difficult because this store has a lot of goodies. So here is my wishlist...The winner will get one of the items from their wishlist, so you should join too!You can enter here.The challenge runs until November 18Images: Hviit / Collage made by Nina Holst
Många små vaser på bordet
Idag är det fullt upp, måste ut på stan och leta vaser och kuddar. Så här kommer en bild på min favorit när det gäller snabba och enkla bordsdekorationer. Många små glasvaser tillsammans med små låga blommor. Det blir effektivast med riktigt många vaser - 7 eller 9 eller ännu fler. Antingen kan man bara köra en sorts blomma i alla eller använda helt olika. Bilden är min egen.Trevlig helg!These
{ Decoration tips - Zinc! }
Zinc is still very popular when it comes to Christmas decoration, and I'm a very big fan of this beautiful material myself. So I would like to show you some ideas on how you can use zinc as Christmas decoration... Zinc houses and a Christmas stocking card holder. Ballet dancer chainA Christmas card tree holder and a Zinc hanging houseZinc baskets and zinc heart ringsDo you see anything you like?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Jenny Packham - Madame Butterfly
view original advertA beautiful, floaty, feminine dress with delicate butterfly sequined patterns on the outer material. It really is stunning and shouldn't be overlooked without seeing it in person. It's very flattering on any shape!
Kul med lite respons på föregående inlägg och jag håller med. Åtminstone till stor del men samtidigt behöver det inte vara så himla personligt heller för det kan också bara vara råsnyggt. Rätt upp och ner. Som det här. Bilder från Skeppsholmen via Proforma.Great with all the responses in last post, and I agree but... Sometime I don't care if it feels personal or not, sometimes its just super
Kan det bli för bra?
Vad tycker ni om det här? Underbart gammalt vackert hus med påkostad och lyxig inredning med flera tjusiga designmöbler och stor harmoni i färgvalen, men... kanske det kan bli lite för matchigt och för påkostat. Har man tagit i för mycket? Jag får också en stor lust att flytta runt prylarna lite, flytta ut soffan, ta bort skrafset på matbordet, samla ihop dekorationerna i sovrummet till ett
{ DIY: Christmas gift idea #1 }
I saw this beautiful self-made candle over at Mrs Hardy's blog last week, and it made me want to make some gifts. Handmade presents are very charming, and it reflects your effort and unique personality. A candle like this is great for Christmas or any occasion, don't you think?This is very easy, and everybody can do this - I promise you!What do you think of this idea? Have you made something like
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sassi Holford - Christelle
view original advertFlattering & timeless Christelle strapless corded lace dress with fishtail by Royal dress designer Sassi Holford. The back detail is so pretty with buttons at the back. The dress comes with a lovely champagne coloured satin sash. The inner corsetry of the dress, for which Sassi is famed, gives a fantastic shape whilst being comfortable & supportive all day (and evening). The
{ 8 Houses on Malibu Beach }
Malibu is a wonderful place where a lot of celebrities and other rich people have their home or summerhouse. When I was visiting Malibu last weekend I took some photos of some houses that was located on the beach. These houses are SO expensive that you can't even imagine! But it's free to look, right? Here you have 8 houses of various styles... I wouldn't mind having a house on the beach - it
Nya vitsiga tavlor
Vilken succé det har blivit med de här tavlorna med fyndiga och vitsiga tankvärdheter. Nu finns det dessutom nya ute på Therese Sennerholts hemsida. Kika om du gillar dem. Bilder från Sennerholt.If you like Threse Sennerholts images there are a few new ones, take a look here.
{ 10 cool ways to decorate a wall! }
Do you want to do something fun with one of your walls? Why not be a little crazy and do something that not everybody else does?Here you have 10 cool wallpapers or wallstickers that would spice up a boring wall...Any favorites? They are all very cool, don't you think?Couture Déco has a broad selection of amazing wall décor, and you can view more on their website. Enjoy your day!Images: Couture
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Bola.net - Chelsea akhirnya harus tergusur dari puncak klasemen setelah mereka ditahan imbang Newcastle 1-1 di St.James Park.Tampil di kandang sendiri membuat Newcastle tak gentar menghadapi tamu mereka yang berstatus juara bertahan ini. Baru satu menit berjalan The Magpies sudah mendapatkan peluang emas melalui Shola Ameobi, saat mendapatkan umpan sundulan dari Steven Taylor. Sayang tendangannya
Bola.net - Chelsea akhirnya harus tergusur dari puncak klasemen setelah mereka ditahan imbang Newcastle 1-1 di St.James Park.Tampil di kandang sendiri membuat Newcastle tak gentar menghadapi tamu mereka yang berstatus juara bertahan ini. Baru satu menit berjalan The Magpies sudah mendapatkan peluang emas melalui Shola Ameobi, saat mendapatkan umpan sundulan dari Steven Taylor. Sayang tendangannya
{ Stylizimo in an interior magazine! }
In this post I told you that Stylizimo blog was featured in a Taiwanese interior magazine. Yesterday I got the magazine in the mail, and I was very excited to see it in real life! The magazine looks amazing, and I'm very proud to be a part of it.The whole side is about Stylizimo and my interior - tips. Images: Nina Holst
Drivvedsstilen ett steg längre
I den här norska fjällstugan får man nog säga att man drivit den vindpinade drivveds stilen ett steg längre och något hårdare. Det blir fräckt men aningen rått så fort det är lite industridetaljer med, men här har man lättat upp med stora varma fårskinn. Det gör stilen lite spännande. Bilder från Sköna Hem.Mixing the old rough wood with industrial details gives this style a totally different
{ 1-2-3 to easy reupholstery }
I wanted to change the look on our stool to something that gave more contrast, so I bought this striped black and white fabric on Ikea and reupholstered it.Here is the before & after... I also made a pillow in the same fabric as the new stool. What do you think of the stool and the matching pillow?Do you ever do your own upholstery? Enjoy your day!♡Images: Nina Holst
Monday, November 8, 2010
{ A lovely Christmas e-magazine! }
Christmas is coming, and it's coming soon. If you want inspiration on DIY projects, decoration and gift ideas you should take a look at this beautiful Christmas e-magazine made by Hviit and Konfettiform - so lovely!Click here to view the whole issue.Enjoy!♡
Lovely English Tudor- Is that in London?
What a beautiful English Tudor. The setting is spectacular! When I happened upon it I thought it must surely be a lovely estate in a small hamlet outside of London! Not so, this wonderful treasure is located on almost three acres of rolling hills in Greenwich, CT - a suburb and only 45 minutes outside of NYC. Let's have a tour! You enter through a gorgeous stone entry with a beautiful, arched
{ Table for two }
Hello everybody! How was your weekend? My fiancée left to Hong Kong on Sunday and he is going to stay there for a couple of weeks, so on Friday I wanted to do a little extra when we had dinner and I made these "LOVE" cards that I put under each glass - nothing much but it´s always appreciated when you put your heart into something...I also put some lace tape on top of the "LOVE" card. I doesn't
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Holy white
Tycker att det alltid är lika lockande med den här enkla lite basic vita känslan. Den har något helt och rent och asketiskt över sig. Inspirerande bilder från Trine Thorsen.Isn't this white and basic style always a little bit tempting. It looks so pure, clean and almost ascetic. Images from Trine Thorsen.
{ Cosas - sweet things }
There's a online store in Sweden called Cosas that I want to share with you. It's always a pleasure to visit this store and look at all the lovely things they are selling. Here you have some of their newest products that I thought was extra sweet.Do you see anything you like? I want it all! You can visit their lovely store here. Enjoy your Sunday everyone! Any plans?Thank you so much for your
Saturday, November 6, 2010
{ Autumn flowers }
This post is a thank you post to each and every one of you that takes the time in this busy life to read my blog! I'm truly overwhelmed by all your sweet and caring comments that I'm getting as well - I feel I have friends all over the world now. I'm so lucky!So these flowers are for YOU!Thank you, friends!I wish you a lovely Saturday.I'm going to a friend's birthday party today. What are your
Friday, November 5, 2010
{ Happy Home! }
It's weekend and we need some smashing colors to celebrate, so this happy and colorful apartment is a perfect start of this weekend. I adore everything about this apartment, and you should pay attention to all the details because there's a lot of them! The picture collage, the DIY table, the chair and the pillows are some of my favorites in this living room.A round dining table makes it extra
{ DIY: Making pictures }
Nowadays it's very popular to have pictures with quotes or words. I love this trend so I've made myself this picture with a quote that I like very much... Have you made any pictures yourself? Do you like using quotes and words?You can see other pictures I've made here and here.Happy weekend!♡Images: Nina Holst
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Mitt senaste inköp - The more the merrier
Syftar inte på mina senaste alldeles för många inköp utan på den festliga ljusstaken från Muuto som går att bygga ihop så att man själv kan bestämma hur hög eller bred den ska vara. Införskaffad till vår lilla fåtölj hörna på ovanvåningen där även fåtöljerna nyligen fått ny klädsel. Dock med lite shabby chic varning, men jag återkommer till det. Vi behövde något nytt i fönstret så jag slog till
{ DIY: Butterfly pillow - 8 steps }
Pillows are the perfect project for anyone with a little sewing skill and creativity. This is a great way to make easy changes in a room in an inexpensive way.One of my latest projects is this white butterfly pillow, and today I'll give you 8 steps on how you can make one yourself... You can find stamps and ink pads at Martha Stewart's craftstore.Do you often make your own pillows? Have you tried
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
{ New Lombok pop up store in St Albans }
Do you remember when I showed you some goodies from Lombok? Well, if you live in UK you can visit Lombok’s new pop up store that opened in St Albans 2nd of November. Located in the heart of the fashionable Christopher’s Place, this is Lombok’s first pop up store and covers over 3,100 sq ft across two floors; showcasing Lombok’s bestselling furniture and a wide range of Christmas gifts and
{ Making it lovely with wood }
Have you seen this cabin over at Skona Hem? I saw it yesterday and right away I fell in love with the industrial style combined with all the homemade furniture made of wood. I think this makes it extra personal, warm and welcoming. Don't you agree?Notice the pendel lamp made with cutlery - fantastic! What do you think if this cabin? Do you see any ideas you like to steal?♡Images: Skona Hem
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
{ Featured in a Taiwanese interior magazine! }
A while back a Taiwanese interior magazine invited me to share some decorating ideas and photos from my home in their November issue! I thought this was very exciting, and of course I said yes! Today I got pictures from their magazine, and this is what it looks like... Everything is in Chinese, but the content is about me, my blog, my communityStylizimo.com and these decorating tips:5 home
{ Challenge: Living Room! }
First I want to thank you all for all the lovely comments on my posts yesterday! You are all so sweet! I´m very lucky to have you as my readers.The website "Norwegian Interior Blogs" (NIB) has a new challenge this month, and this time they want us to show our living room and how we decorate it in the autumn.This is how our living room looks like in our apartment in Los Angeles...As you can see it
Monday, November 1, 2010
Ny stil eller är det kanske samma som alltid...
Jag är helt inne på den här stilen just nu eller kanske det är färgkombinationen. Har i och för sig alltid gillat mörkt grått tillsammans med ljust trä och den lite jordnära känslan. Så kanske det inte är något nytt alls för min del utan bara precis min stil. Men tidigare har jag inte lagt till det ruffa drivveds träet, stickade detaljer och rostiga industriprylar. Kanske dags att lägga till lite
{ Norway's best interior blog! }
I'm nominated as one of Norway's best interior blogs this month! Dagbladet, one of the largest newspapers in Norway, has each month picked four nominees the last 7 months and I'm very grateful that I now got chosen among all the lovely blogs that are in Norway - it's tough competition! They will also have an article in their newspaper each Sunday where they will present each of the four blogs
Svart och rufft trä
Den här bilden är lite stylat stel, men den tilltalar mig ändå på något sätt. Gillar lampans form och det svarta tillsammans med det enkla ruffa träet men också de få färgklickarna av turkos och grönt. Den har också lite fina detaljer som pallen och brickan med keramikvaserna. Har otroligt nog också börjat gilla guld, helt plötsligt. Märkligt! Bild från Vt Wonen.I like this image with the black
{ TIPS: Storing your jewellery }
Do you have problems to find out how to store your jewellery too? Mine was a big mess, and I needed to get them more organized, so when I won two beautiful "Tine K" hangers on the lovely blog Nenna a while back, I wanted to use them for something special - and this is the result...I used some miniature wooden pins to make sure that they wouldn't fall of. I also got this cute heart as an extra
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